
Seed Oil Survival: Cate Shanahan MD on Losing Weight, Mental Health

 Dr. Cate Shanahan, author of the Fatburn Fix, joins David Gornoski to comment on how we can maintain physical and mental health. What is a good first step that we can take towards losing weight? Why are processed foods so unhealthy? What are some good substitutes for unhealthy snacks? Check out Dr. Cate Shanahan’s […]

Seed Oil Survival: Brad Marshall on Seed Oils and Chronic Fatigue

Food historian, molecular biologist, and pig farmer Brad Marshall calls in to talk about why traditional dietary guidelines worked. Why were people in the 1930s and 1940s thinner than us? How do we discern the signals our bodies send with regard to the kind of fats we’re eating? What is the true cause of chronic […]

Seed Oil Survival: How Government Food Pyramid is Harming the Most Vulnerable

Tucker Goodrich calls in to talk about how Big Pharma has let down countless Americans with a failed product, the rise in myocarditis, why the government food pyramid is responsible for obesity, what makes animals get fat, and more. Check out Tucker’s blog here.

Seed Oil Survival: Recovering From Seed Oil-Linked Depression

Tucker Goodrich joins the show to explore how mental health can be improved through nutritional choices and exercise. How important is aerobic exercise when it comes to reducing depression? Why do seed oils cause mental health problems? How should we approach carb intake? Check out Tucker’s blog here.

Seed Oil Survival: Lysenkoism Takes Over NIH

Tucker Goodrich joins the show to talk about the NIH’s decision to restrict access to important databases if it thinks a scientist’s research may enter “forbidden” territory. Why are our nation’s health institutions afraid of diving into the failures of dietary guidelines? Are corporations to blame for this direction in nutritional science? What new startling […]

Seed Oil Survival: Watch Out for the ADA, Healing Metabolism

Tucker Goodrich joins the show for a refreshing segment of Seed Oil Survival. What is different about the weight gain that occurs after abandoning seed oils and how do we deal with it? Why does the ADA neglect the nutrition aspect of treating diabetes? Listen to the full segment to find out. Check out Tucker’s […]

Seed Oil Survival: Dining Fearlessly With Seed Oil Scout

In this episode of Seed Oil Survival, David Gornoski sits down with Seed Oil Scout for a conversation on making an app for dodging seed oil products, bringing restaurants to awareness about seed oil damage, building a common alliance among different food factions, the mimetic reality of food, and more. Check out Seed Oil Scout’s […]

Seed Oil Survival: Brad Marshall on How Oxidized Seed Oils Cause Diabetes

Brad Marshall joins the show to talk about the passing of Ray Peat, how oxidized seed oils cause diabetes, seed oil’s connection to cardiovascular diseases, and more. Brad Marshall’s website here.

Seed Oil Survival: Tucker and David Remember Ray Peat

Tucker Goodrich joins the show to comment on the legacy of Ray Peat and some of the fruits of his groundbreaking study into nutrition. How can we build on Ray Peat’s study for future generations? Listen to the full segment to find out and more. Check out Tucker Goodrich’s blog here.

Seed Oil Survival: Tucker Debunks Dietary Guidelines and Red Meat Myths

Tucker Goodrich returns to the show to talk about the widespread claim that most people aren’t following the prescribed dietary guidelines. Why are more people overweight now than any other time in history? Is red meat harmful to our bodies? Check out Tucker’s blog here.