
David Gornoski on Victimism, Jack Brewer on Christlike Justice

David Gornoski explains why we should reject media-perpetuated fake ‘social justice’ issues and instead focus on real people suffering from real oppression. “Political correctness is all about pretty speech codes while bombing the ever-loving daylights out of innocents around the world.” Like the issues of mass incarceration and wars abroad, David also brings some much-needed […]

Dr. Yu on How Exercise Changes Molecules and Magnetism Recharges Devices, Jeff Deist on Civil Unrest

‘A single session of exercise alters 9,815 molecules in our blood,’ a new study claims. Dr. Yu calls in to comment on this study and ties it to his theory of how vibration breaks down, restructures, and forms newer and healthier molecules. The physicist also offers his fascinating insights on a new technology that can […]

Angela Yee and David Gornoski Talk Race and Justice in America

In light of the George Floyd murder and the civil unrest that has followed, how can we get past our differences and find solutions? “I think first there has to be an acknowledging of the problem,” says Angela Yee, “Some people say there’s no racism and white supremacy, no hierarchy, and that’s simply not true.” […]

Dr. Yu on Hadron Anomalies and Fusion Progress, Ryan McMaken Takes on the News

“Whenever you ask people about physics they feel like it’s so remote. I believe physics should be intriguing for everybody,” says Dr. Weiping Yu as he returns to the show to discuss the LHCb physicists’ measurements of B mesons particles and their search for a more complete theory beyond the standard model. Dr. Yu also […]

How to Defend Scapegoats with Lisa Jacobi

In this time of mob violence, as victimism prevails over truth, and almost everyone is looking to blame someone else, the question we have to ask ourselves is: how can we defend the scapegoats? “Nullify and get rid of the bad laws that put non-violent people in prisons,” urges David Gornoski, “Say no to the […]

Wilfred Reilly on Social Unrest

Kentucky State University’s Wilfred Reilly calls in to discuss the ongoing riots, institutionalized racism, and Christ’s anthropological impact on human history. “There’s nothing noble about a mob. Crowds are not logical,” says Dr. Reilly as he points to how the rioters have destroyed mostly minority businesses. The conversation moves to the question of what motivates […]

A Closer Look at our Civil Unrest with Willie Fort

In this episode, David Gornoski is joined by Hollywood talent agent Willie Fort and the two discuss the mob fury that has been going on for the past few days. To the people trying to justify the riots, Willie asks, “If black lives matter why are you looting and destroying black businesses?” Willie also highlights […]

President Trump Holds a Bible at St. John’s Church

“If we’re going to imitate the Master of history then we’re going to have a conversation.” Using the Bible as a political prop isn’t right, David Gornoski says, but we also shouldn’t be bombing innocents abroad and perpetuate starvation by sanctioning. “If we’re going to imitate Jesus let us apply the imitation to all aspects.” […]

Detective John Baeza on George Floyd, Protests, and Riots

Retired NYPD detective John Baeza joins the show to discuss the tragic killing of George Floyd and the riots sparked by that killing. “I think we’re going to see repeats of this unrest,” says John Baeza who claims that the problem is an increasing militarization of law enforcement. On the riots that have gripped the […]

David Gornoski on How Satan Casts Out Satan, Peter J. Hasson on Big Tech Manipulators

Host David Gornoski dives deep into the George Floyd murder and the following carnage and unravels the demonic mechanism that lies beneath. “Violence cannot stamp out violence,” says David as he explains the futility of rioting in the face of injustice. Also, Peter Hasson, author of ‘The Manipulators,’ calls in to discuss the role of […]