
David Gornoski on the End of Capitalism, James Kourtides on 21st Century Questions

“It’s cool to hate capitalism because most of us are raised in government schools,” says David Gornoski. How can we have a truly free market when the referee is always paid off to rig the game? We need to get the notion out of our heads that saving money to defer consumption is somehow ‘greed.’ […]

How To Exorcize Collectivism

We’re far too often told that we must shrink towards collectivism if we’re to find our identities. Humans have a proclivity to find comfort within a tribe and then assert themselves over those with different identity markers. Is collective warfare the right way to find solutions? David Gornoski says otherwise. “We must realize that many […]

Angela Yee and David Gornoski Talk Race and Justice in America

In light of the George Floyd murder and the civil unrest that has followed, how can we get past our differences and find solutions? “I think first there has to be an acknowledging of the problem,” says Angela Yee, “Some people say there’s no racism and white supremacy, no hierarchy, and that’s simply not true.” […]

Building Bridges and Living Within Our Means with Rufus Rochell

“To build a long-term sustainable economy, politicians would have to become anti-Santa Clause.” David Gornoski proposes a removal of institutional coercion–a total rejection of spending trillions on the military-industrial complex and the drug war–if we are to care for our children’s future. Also, Rufus Rochell calls in from home confinement to highlight the plight of […]

How to Defend Scapegoats with Lisa Jacobi

In this time of mob violence, as victimism prevails over truth, and almost everyone is looking to blame someone else, the question we have to ask ourselves is: how can we defend the scapegoats? “Nullify and get rid of the bad laws that put non-violent people in prisons,” urges David Gornoski, “Say no to the […]

The Prisoner

“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.” ~Fyodor Dostoevsky Before the Gospel revelation, justice consisted of directing the guilt of the entire society against a single victim. It was widely experienced, just as it is today, that shifting the blame onto another is an effective way of postponing […]

David Gornoski on How Satan Casts Out Satan, Peter J. Hasson on Big Tech Manipulators

Host David Gornoski dives deep into the George Floyd murder and the following carnage and unravels the demonic mechanism that lies beneath. “Violence cannot stamp out violence,” says David as he explains the futility of rioting in the face of injustice. Also, Peter Hasson, author of ‘The Manipulators,’ calls in to discuss the role of […]

Rufus Rochell, Amy Povah Take on the Scapegoat Machine

It’s time to rebuke the satanic system of mirror accusations that is possessing our nation right now. It’s time to set the captives free! Host David Gornoski is joined by Rufus Rochell–prisoner for 32 years for a non-violent drug choice–and founder of CAN-DO clemency Amy Povah; together the three take on the human-sacrificing machine that […]

Peter Quinones on the Rule of the Law

David Gornoski sits down with Peter Quinones, host of the Free Man Beyond the Wall podcast, to tackle some important questions in the light of recent events. Can Americans see past the bipartisan political landscape and regain their appetite for freedom of choice? Peter addresses this question and also discusses the censoring of dissident voices […]

How to Zoom to Success

How can we explain the government’s self-contradictory measures such as punishing non-violent law breakers by putting them in prisons where violence is rampant? Why do we allow such laws to exist? David Gornoski argues that history has been built on the sacrifices of the ones by the many. We need to change our mindsets and […]