
Keith Weiner on Government Stimulus, Amy Povah and Maurenne Griese on Prisoners in the Pandemic

Keith Weiner of Monetary Metals calls in to comment on stimulus checks in pandemic time and whether they do good for the economy. Is government involvement, even in an emergency, beneficial or harmful? Weiner argues that every government intervention is initiated as a reaction to an “emergency.” Listen to the full episode for more from […]

Is a Strong Wall Street Proof of a Growing Economy?

David Gornoski continues his analysis of the state’s religiosity and the desacralization brought to it by President Trump. Also, Keith Weiner of Monetary Metals calls in to comment on the latest economic and political news. Why is Bill Gates turning back from certain vaccine proposals? Can Biden get the stock market up? Why do so-called […]

Why Blame Boomers? Plus, Amy Povah and Dickie Lynn Talk Prison

It’s become fashionable to blame baby boomers for much of society’s ills today. Did boomers create endless debt and corruption in politics? Who abolished the Bretton Woods system? Are boomers responsible for a system based on creating money out of thin air? Should we scapegoat generations or do we look at the core of the […]

Thou Shalt Not Kill

David Gornoski resumes his commentary on current affairs such as the veiled threat by a former DOD official against Alex Jones, the shooting of Ryan Whitaker, and the continuing divisive narrative pushed by the media. “Instead of being fixated on political creeds or the color of one’s skin, one should recognize that the human heart […]

Jim Rogers on Pandemic Politics, Asia, and Lessons from World Travel

Renowned investor, author, and world traveler Jim Rogers joins David Gornoski to discuss pandemic politics, lockdowns, the future of Asia, America’s debt crisis, and lessons from world travel. Is the 21st century heading towards Asian dominance? “I don’t like saying this. I’m an American but look out the window. Asia seems to have handled this […]

Jordan Hall on Rene Girard, the Gospel Technology vs. Myth

Technologist and public intellectual Jordan Hall joins David Gornoski, host of A Neighbor’s Choice, for a journey through sense-making in 2020. The conversation starts off with Peter Thiel’s comments on humanity reaching a technological stagnation after the moon-landing mission. Could this be due to lack of innovation in the world of atoms? asks David Gornoski. […]

Jeff Deist On The Coming COVID-19 Crash

Jeff Deist, president of Mises Institute, returns to the show to discuss the big question that has businesses, investors, and the average wage-earners worried: Do we have an economic crash on the horizon? Also, what is going on with Trump’s ‘Operation Warp Speed’ project? “Grandiosity in every other walk of life is good,” Jeff Deist […]

Peter Quinones on the Rule of the Law

David Gornoski sits down with Peter Quinones, host of the Free Man Beyond the Wall podcast, to tackle some important questions in the light of recent events. Can Americans see past the bipartisan political landscape and regain their appetite for freedom of choice? Peter addresses this question and also discusses the censoring of dissident voices […]

Deconstructing Fear Complex with Kerry Baldwin

How can we avoid passing the blame onto others to escape responsiblity, especially in times of crisis? How can we reject fear and embrace concern for our neighbor? writer Kerry Baldwin joins David Gornoski to deconstruct the fear complex and its groupthink destructive power. All this and more on A Neighbor’s Choice! Original airdate: April 20, […]

Kerry Baldwin on Moral Panic

Should our freedoms be negotiable? Should our liberties be enjoyed only during good times and discarded in times such as the COVID-19 crisis? Government authorities want to use central coercion, top down solutions but in Jesus’ personhood revolution people imitate good role models and voluntarily lay down their lives for their neighbors. David Gornoski joins […]