Jeff Deist: Politics Is About Perception Not Facts

In this segment, David Gornoski is joined by Mises Institute’s Jeff Deist who talks about Biden’s slandering of half of America’s population and the calls to “deprogram” Trump voters. Are the talking heads on TV demanding a monoculture? What exactly is meant by the terms “Big Lie,” “Build Back Better,” and “Great Reset?” Is there a coordinated […]

Science and U: Magnetism Produces Quantum Response

The chief science advisor of A Neighbor’s Choice, Dr. Weiping Yu, returns with another segment of Science and U. The physicist comments on the news that scientists in Tokyo have confirmed quantum response to magnetism in cells. “Of course,” Dr. Yu remarks, “when you have magnetic field interact with cells you will see quantum effects.” […]

YouTube Censors My Call for Peace, Danny Sjursen on the Biden Inauguration

David Gornoski starts the show by commenting on ridiculous establishment-friendly media coverage given to the Biden inauguration. Also in the show, David brings to our attention the recent nonsensical censorship taken against him by YouTube. Plus, Ret. Major Danny Sjursen calls in to give us an overall assessment of the Biden inauguration. What should we […]

Do Foreign Lives Matter to the Media? Craig Cesal Receives Clemency

David Gornoski starts the episode by commenting on the media’s unceasing proselytization for the corrupt establishment as well as the coming Biden administration’s promise to subjugate the masses into a “Great Reset.” Listen to the full episode as David is joined by Craig Cesal, who recently received his clemency from President Trump, and CAN-DO Clemency’s […]

Tho Bishop: The Changing Landscape in Conservatism

David Gornoski is joined by Mises Institute’s Tho Bishop. The two talk extensively on the future of conservatism. Why does the corporate media promote only the conservatives who push for neverending wars and government extension? Will Trump’s America be completely silenced as the media is attempting to do right now? Listen to the episode to find out, […]

Science and U: Black Hole Goes Missing

Dr. Weiping Yu returns with another refreshing segment of Science and U. The physicist comments on the claim that astronomers have found the oldest supermassive black hole in the universe and another, more puzzling, observation of a missing black hole. Dr. Yu once again asserts that there is no black hole at the center of […]

The Failing Scapegoat Machine

David Gornoski starts the episode with a reflection on how statist monopoly over violence has disrupted American society at every level and why we must reject the Left vs. Right dichotomy to find solutions. Join David as he analyzes the latest news stories such as the recent impeachment against President Trump, Uganda inadvertently banning and […]

Lara Logan on Revolution and Insurrection

David Gornoski continues his exposé of the establishment’s projection of their violent thoughts and deeds onto their favorite scapegoat Donald Trump. Also in this episode, David is joined by acclaimed investigative journalist Lara Logan for a conversation centered on the Capitol protests and the larger topic of crowd unrest orchestrated by nefarious figures in high […]

Brad Marshall on Ancestral Diet, PUFAs vs Saturated Fat, Metabolic Health, SCD1 Theory of Obesity

David Gornoski sits down with Brad Marshall, author and blogger at Fire in a Bottle. In this podcast, Brad and David talk extensively on how PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) affects our body; the difference between saturated fat and PUFAs and what our body prefers; the Croissant Diet; our ancestors’ preference for fatty meat; the root […]

Trail Thoughts: Lessons from Old Abe

Noted publisher Eric Kampmann returns with another fascinating segment of Trail Thoughts. He is joined by John Cribb, author of the novel ‘Old Abe.’ Both Eric and John expand on the personality of Abraham Lincoln and how his character is much needed in today’s political crisis in America. How can we transcend the deep political […]