Entries by David Gornoski

Claston Bernard on Being an Outcast, Jerry Bowyer on the Maker vs the Takers

Claston Bernard, champion athlete, Olympian, and author of ‘Outcast,’ joins David Gornoski to discuss the degradation of black Americans as mere vote banks by the Democratic party. Claston shows no quarter in his criticism of Black Lives Matter and their aim to destroy black families. What can we do to protect families in America? Listen […]

Saving America

David Gornoski starts off the show by commenting on the news that President Trump has agreed to debate Biden on Joe Rogan’s show. Will Biden dare to, literally, go off script, away from TV media, and debate Trump on the Joe Rogan Experience? David also addresses the Keynesian and anti-capitalist indoctrination that is happening in […]

Holy Ghost Gospel Hour

Many in our society claim their own pedestal of victimhood. But, once we’re able to see through all the bells and whistles, who are the real and hidden victims in our society? Has the church focused on these victims? David Gornoski argues that McWoke movements exist precisely because of the church’s lackluster response to real-world […]

Daniel Sjursen on 9/11 and Patriotic Dissent

How has 9-11 changed America and the entire world? Major Daniel Sjursen, retired combat veteran and author of the new book ‘Patriotic Dissent,’ joins David Gornoski to examine the tragic event and the subsequent “war on terror” that has affected millions of lives around the world. Why hasn’t the families of 9/11 victims received any […]

Revolution vs Renaissance

“Silence is violence,” is one’s of the trending mottos of our time. Does the McWoke crowd, backing Biden and Kamala Harris, really care about injustices? David Gornoski asks as he points out Biden and Harris’ pro-war and pro-mass incarceration records. Calls for revolution and socialism, David says, are based on the scapegoating principle; it won’t […]

Discover Tries to Block GiveSendGo, Bruce Koerber Divine Economics

Heather Wilson, founder of the Christian crowdfunding site GiveSendGo, joins David Gornoski to talk about Big Tech banning her website for being a platform to Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal defense fundraising campaign. Also joining David is economist Bruce Koerber to discuss how he formulated his “Divine Economic” theory. What is the reason for the stagnation in […]

Elizabeth Rogliani on Life Under Venezuelan Socialism, Amy Povah Talks with Frank Merold on Release

YouTube commentator Elizabeth Rogliani joins David Gornoski to talk about the cultural and political transformation of Venezuela into a socialist state. What are the cultural changes that had to take place? Can America shake off the current elitist call for less liberty and more socialism? CAN-DO Clemency’s Amy Povah calls in to give us the […]