
Jim Babka on Kanye West, Rene Girard, and Justice

Jim Babka, President of, joins David Gornoski to talk about the increasing polarization and politicization in our culture. There is far too much shaming going on, Jim Babka says, but what we need today is empathy. “We have turned away from God and replaced Him with idols; and the number one idol is the state.” […]

Our Vain Search for Scapegoats

Our fixation on identity politics, David Gornoski says, is driving our society towards blame games. “We need to continue to encourage people in thinking for themselves rather than groupthink.” David takes us through the idea of original sin–the concept that sin exists universally–and how filtering that idea through group identities is a recipe for conflict. […]

Pastor Dr. Darrell Scott on Criminal Justice, Police Reform

Dr. Darrell Scott, pastor of New Spirit Revival Center and CEO of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump, joins the show to discuss police and criminal justice reform. Dr. Scott believes that we should be sensitive to both sides of the current issue over police reform; excessive force should be dealt with but we have […]

How to Defend Scapegoats with Lisa Jacobi

In this time of mob violence, as victimism prevails over truth, and almost everyone is looking to blame someone else, the question we have to ask ourselves is: how can we defend the scapegoats? “Nullify and get rid of the bad laws that put non-violent people in prisons,” urges David Gornoski, “Say no to the […]

The Prisoner

“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.” ~Fyodor Dostoevsky Before the Gospel revelation, justice consisted of directing the guilt of the entire society against a single victim. It was widely experienced, just as it is today, that shifting the blame onto another is an effective way of postponing […]

Rufus Rochell, Amy Povah Take on the Scapegoat Machine

It’s time to rebuke the satanic system of mirror accusations that is possessing our nation right now. It’s time to set the captives free! Host David Gornoski is joined by Rufus Rochell–prisoner for 32 years for a non-violent drug choice–and founder of CAN-DO clemency Amy Povah; together the three take on the human-sacrificing machine that […]

The Fear of Death

The Lord abhors the man of violence and deceit. But as for me, in the fullness of Your mercy I will come in Your house… ~Psalm 5:7-8 It can be safely assumed that much of society today operates under the fear of looming death. St. Athanasius said that death came as a corrupting consequence of […]

Metropolis – A Film Analysis

Very few films have defined a genre. One of these films is the 1927 German silent movie Metropolis. Directed by legendary filmmaker Fritz Lang, Metropolis is a dystopian sci-fiction movie that touches on important socio-political and even theological aspects of modern society. Made during the Weimar era—a time when Germany was in political and economic […]

David Cayley on Rene Girard, Ivan Illich, and Societal Breakdown

In these times of social unrest we need to understand what drives humanity towards conflict. David Cayley, longtime CBC Ideas broadcaster, joins David Gornoski to discuss the breakdown of social unity through a distinctly Christian lens shaped by experiences with Rene Girard and Ivan Illich. On the pandemic, Cayley says that “the virus is the […]

Oedipus, The Romanovs, And The Individual In The Pandemic

In monarchy… it is a matter of the victim being still alive, one that has not yet been sacrificed. In the case of divinity, by contrast, the interpretation accentuates a victim that has already been sacrificed and it is a matter of the sacred having been already expelled from the community. In the former example, […]