
Dr. Barry Kort on Systems Thinking vs. Rules

Dr. Barry Kort, scientist and MIT engineer, joins David Gornoski to discuss Systems Thinking. Dr. Kort takes us through the development of what is known as Chaos Theory and then describes how laws came to be in ancient civilizations. Rules-based societies often lead to more chaos, says Dr. Kort as he explains how we need […]

David Gornoski on the End of Capitalism, James Kourtides on 21st Century Questions

“It’s cool to hate capitalism because most of us are raised in government schools,” says David Gornoski. How can we have a truly free market when the referee is always paid off to rig the game? We need to get the notion out of our heads that saving money to defer consumption is somehow ‘greed.’ […]

How the Gospel Technology Works

Host David Gornoski explains how we can be freed from the shackles of collectivism by looking to the Biblical story of the woman caught in adultery. He who is without sin may cast the first stone, Jesus told the persecuting mob. The first step is the recognition of our part in societal injustices. Abandoning the […]

How To Exorcize Collectivism

We’re far too often told that we must shrink towards collectivism if we’re to find our identities. Humans have a proclivity to find comfort within a tribe and then assert themselves over those with different identity markers. Is collective warfare the right way to find solutions? David Gornoski says otherwise. “We must realize that many […]

Justin Murphy, PhD on Jesus, Riot Carnivals, and the Origins of Our Civil Unrest

David Gornoski sits down with Justin Murphy, political scientist and former professor of the University of Southampton; and together the two discuss the reemergence of faith, the meaning of Christ’s love on an anthropological level, the current riots, socio-political turmoil, and Jesus-imitation in a post-Christian culture. Justin Murphy says, “The rioters are–in their own twisted […]

Dr. Norman Horn on Contagious Violence

“We’re seeing the overreaction to the pandemic spilling over to other parts of life,” says Norman Horn, founder of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Dr. Horn goes on to explain how institutional coercion spills onto the streets in the form of riots. “Just because we agree that there are structural problems does not mean that we […]

Wilfred Reilly on Social Unrest

Kentucky State University’s Wilfred Reilly calls in to discuss the ongoing riots, institutionalized racism, and Christ’s anthropological impact on human history. “There’s nothing noble about a mob. Crowds are not logical,” says Dr. Reilly as he points to how the rioters have destroyed mostly minority businesses. The conversation moves to the question of what motivates […]

President Trump Holds a Bible at St. John’s Church

“If we’re going to imitate the Master of history then we’re going to have a conversation.” Using the Bible as a political prop isn’t right, David Gornoski says, but we also shouldn’t be bombing innocents abroad and perpetuate starvation by sanctioning. “If we’re going to imitate Jesus let us apply the imitation to all aspects.” […]

Slavoj Žižek on Holy Spirit Community and Cures in Time of Contagion

Slavoj Žižek, the beloved Communist philosopher, joins David Gornoski, son of a preacher and founder of A Neighbor’s Choice, to discuss how Holy Spirit community can coordinate solutions in the worldwide contagion. Among the topics explored are markets vs. force as well as the problem with government regulatory agencies and intellectual property. Whilst speaking of […]

David Gornoski on How Satan Casts Out Satan, Peter J. Hasson on Big Tech Manipulators

Host David Gornoski dives deep into the George Floyd murder and the following carnage and unravels the demonic mechanism that lies beneath. “Violence cannot stamp out violence,” says David as he explains the futility of rioting in the face of injustice. Also, Peter Hasson, author of ‘The Manipulators,’ calls in to discuss the role of […]