
Our Cannibalistic Desires: Shannon Braswell Interviews David Gornoski

Shannon Braswell, in his first episode of Polymath’s Paradise, sits down with David Gornoski. The two resume their discussion on the works of Rene Girard. David takes us through his disillusionment with mainstream Christian talking points and his introduction to Rene Girard. “Jesus was basically an object for folks rather than the subject of your […]

Celebrity – The Cornerstone of Modern America

Told the devil that I’m going on a strike Told the devil when I see him, on sight I’ve been working for you my whole life Told the devil that I’m going on a strike I’ve been working for you my whole life —Kanye West, ‘Hands On’ In the 1991 film ‘The Doors,’ Oliver Stone […]

Jason Jones on René Girard, Divided Hearts of America

David Gornoski is joined by human rights activist and filmmaker Jason Jones. Together, the two discuss the legacy of Dr. Ron Paul, the anthropology of René Girard, victimism in politics, COVID shutdowns, his upcoming anti-abortion movie ‘Divided Hearts of America,’ and more. Is Christianity the religion of the weak as Nietsczhe claimed? How do we […]

Busting Breast Cancer with Susan Wadia-Ells

In this episode, David Gornoski is joined by Dr. Susan Wadia-Ells, author of Busting Breast Cancer. Dr. Wadia-Ells describes how standard medicinal practices cause women to develop metastatic cancer. She highlights that a metabolic approach is what is needed to address this issue. Has the multi-billion dollar cancer industry let us down? Is cancer a […]

THINGS HIDDEN 20: Founding the Galilean Global Village

Jerry Bowyer, editor of Townhall Finance and Affluent Investor, joins David Gornoski and Shannon Braswell to discuss his new book ‘The Maker Versus the Takers’ and other topics such as the effects of socialist-centered liberation theology and mainstream evangelical theology. Jerry Bowyer argues that both of these theologies were premature in their conclusions due to […]

THINGS HIDDEN 19: Big City Blues

David Gornoski and Shannon Braswell are back with another discussion. This time, the two have an exciting conversation on mimesis in an increasingly technological world. How has the end of witch-hunting accelerated scientific innovation? What are the modern-day scapegoating institutions that have brought innovation to a standstill? Is the profit model desirable in the field […]

Filmmaker Jon Croft on the Future of Governance, Technology, Storytelling

Film Producer and Director Jon Croft joins David Gornoski to reflect on the work of anthropologist Rene Girard and its significance in politics and culture. In light of the socio-political unrest around us right now, have people lost their belief in the American dream? Jon says that what we’re seeing now is the gradual death […]

Chicago Pastor Corey Brooks on 1619 Project, BLM

Why are conservatives failing to live up to their promises to cut spending and decrease government? David Gornoski gives us some fascinating answers to this question. David also offers some startling insights into what news like the sentencing of Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli mean with regards to institutional abuse in society. Plus, joining David […]

What We Need to Learn from Rene Girard

David Gornoski is back with another episode of A Neighbor’s Choice; and this time he takes us through what he considers is the key to defeating the radical, victim-garbed politics of our time. Christ’s crucifixion has made it impossible for humanity to sacrifice the other for political gain, David says as he points to the […]

THINGS HIDDEN 18: The Future is Mimetic

Craig Stewart and David Gornoski return to discuss the mimetic road to a future designed by Jesus. Is there a link between Rene Girard’s theory and the hard sciences? “There’s a sacred to science,” David claims while highlighting how certain aspects of what’s considered ‘settled’ is rarely questioned in the world of academia. What is […]