
Scott Horton on the NY Times Story on Afghanistan Russian Bounties

Scott Horton of returns to the show to comment on the NY Times story of alleged Russian bounties in Afghanistan. Who are these anonymous intelligence sources which the media cite? Horton asks. Is there any servicemen deaths attributed to these bounties? Horton also points to the fact that the American government has been paying […]

James Dale Davidson of The Sovereign Individual Returns, David Gornoski on the Irrationality of Political Solutions

How did we go from being the nation of great manufacturers to the land of Walmarts? Investing legend and author of The Sovereign Individual, James Dale Davidson, returns to the show to answer this question and discuss how socialist governments hinder innovative entrepreneurship. Also, David Gornoski comments on the racial-tension narrative that is being pushed […]

David Gornoski on Victimism, Jack Brewer on Christlike Justice

David Gornoski explains why we should reject media-perpetuated fake ‘social justice’ issues and instead focus on real people suffering from real oppression. “Political correctness is all about pretty speech codes while bombing the ever-loving daylights out of innocents around the world.” Like the issues of mass incarceration and wars abroad, David also brings some much-needed […]

Angela Yee and David Gornoski Talk Race and Justice in America

In light of the George Floyd murder and the civil unrest that has followed, how can we get past our differences and find solutions? “I think first there has to be an acknowledging of the problem,” says Angela Yee, “Some people say there’s no racism and white supremacy, no hierarchy, and that’s simply not true.” […]

George Floyd and the Futility of Victimless Crime Laws

In light of the recent murder of George Floyd, many are demanding accountability; but it’s hard to get accountability when the government holds monopoly power and violent mobs riot on the streets of our nation. “We need to dissolve monopoly power,” says host David Gornoski. “We need to look at ourselves and ask: ‘Why am […]