
Biden Falls in Front of Whole World

David Gornoski comments on some of the latest news from around the world such as the exchange between Rand Paul and Fauci, Putin’s reaction to Biden’s remarks, Biden falling down on the stairs to Air Force One, Biden’s decision to fund abortions on a global scale, and more. How do we navigate away from the […]

Jeff Deist on Why Politics Don’t Work

Mises Institute’s Jeff Deist returns to the show to comment on the latest news stories. Should Critical Theory be banned from schools? Should people be arrested for “hateful conduct” that is not illegal? Do politicians really aim for positive change are they more interested in keeping things the way they are? What is the real […]

David Gornoski on Culinary Libertarian: René Girard, Mimetics, and Mythology

David Gornoski recently appeared on Dann Reid’s “The Culinary Libertarian” podcast. Culinary Libertarian: “David Gornoski discusses René Girard’s mimetics theory with me as we discuss how ancient man’s basic practices to survive apply to life today. On the way, we find parallels to the state, religion, and the Divine.” Listen to the Culinary Libertarian podcast […]

Idols, Violence, and Seed Oils

David Gornoski starts off the show with a reflection on how fear drives us towards blaming others instead of employing creativity to solve problems. What do we need to do to create a joyful society? How has Christ’s Gospel technology inspired whistleblowers and investigative journalism in the face of statist corporate media? Is it possible […]

THINGS HIDDEN 28: “Reagan’s Terrible Sword” Donald J. Devine on Rene Girard, The Enduring Tension

David Gornoski sits down with Donald J. Devine, political scientist and author of The Enduring Tension. David and Dr. Devine touch on a variety of topics such as the deep political divide in America, the decline of conservative influence in media, the impact of Rene Girard’s work on anthropology, Dr. Devine’s experience of working with […]

Rush Limbaugh Rests in Peace

David Gornoski starts the episode by paying tribute to Rush Limbaugh while highlighting how the conservative radio icon spoke for the heartland of America. Is this the end of an era for conservatism? Why is the corporate press miserably gleeful over Limbaugh’s passing? Join David as he answers these questions while also commenting on stories […]

Defending Liberty and Personhood in a Sea of Coercion

“Imagine the stupidity of adults,” David Gornoski says as he looks at the news of children surrounded by plexiglass in schools. Join David Gornoski as he talks about the prison-like pandemic measures, transmuting anger into positive change, the irrelevance of statists and corporatists in Jesus’ grand scheme of things, the retardation of knowledge in using […]

Overcoming Envy, Violence, and Victimism

Join David Gornoski as he comments on the latest news stories such as the recent Hunter Biden-related development; Jeff Bezos stepping down from Amazon CEO; COVID vaccine development and controversy; Wall Street on high alert after GameStop; and more. David also comments on the work of Tom Holland and compares it to Rene Girard in […]

Jeff Deist: Politics Is About Perception Not Facts

In this segment, David Gornoski is joined by Mises Institute’s Jeff Deist who talks about Biden’s slandering of half of America’s population and the calls to “deprogram” Trump voters. Are the talking heads on TV demanding a monoculture? What exactly is meant by the terms “Big Lie,” “Build Back Better,” and “Great Reset?” Is there a coordinated […]

Jeff Deist on Our Present Moment

Jeff Deist of the Mises Institute returns to the show to offer some much need insight into our current political crisis. Why hasn’t the corporate media condemned the the Leftist violence as fervently as the MAGA violence? Is there any future for political dissent in our country? We need to get past ideology right now, Jeff Deist […]