
Breaking the Feedback Loop with the Good Samaritan

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Host David Gornoski recalls his visit to the zoo and likens the statist media establishment to a caged llama walking in a fixed daily pattern. David urges us to break out of the feedback loop of circular […]

The Fear of Death

The Lord abhors the man of violence and deceit. But as for me, in the fullness of Your mercy I will come in Your house… ~Psalm 5:7-8 It can be safely assumed that much of society today operates under the fear of looming death. St. Athanasius said that death came as a corrupting consequence of […]

Patri Friedman on Return of City States, Rene Girard, and Economic Freedom Zones

David Gornoski sits down with economist and venture capitalist Patri Friedman, founder of Pronomos and the Seasteading Institute, for an exploration of liberty and the future of governance in our time. Will we see a return to local city-states and private enterprise zones around the world? Patri says that the Seasteading project, which is very […]

David Cayley on Rene Girard, Ivan Illich, and Societal Breakdown

In these times of social unrest we need to understand what drives humanity towards conflict. David Cayley, longtime CBC Ideas broadcaster, joins David Gornoski to discuss the breakdown of social unity through a distinctly Christian lens shaped by experiences with Rene Girard and Ivan Illich. On the pandemic, Cayley says that “the virus is the […]

The Fatal Power of Politically Correct Speech

  “I want to listen but fifty people have accused this person of being racist, so…” How many of us think this way? What happens when we stop the presumption of innocence for the accused? Something we hardly talk about today is repentance. “We have to call cancel culture to repentance,” says David Gornoski as […]

Anthropology from Trinity

Christian anthropology stems from theology. That is why it is important to note that the Christian God is a Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And it is also important to know that there exists within the Trinity, between the three persons of the Godhead, mutual glorification, submission and love. ‘God is love’, says […]

How to Survive Masked Chaos

In ancient times, there were often masked rituals, and in these rituals, boundaries and identities were blurred because the participants wore masks. But what would these rituals lead to and why was anonymity so important? David Gornoski gives us an earth-shattering explanation of this ancient ritual and how it is refined and imposed today under […]

Classic Interviews: David Bentley Hart On The Politics Of Jesus

In 2018, David Gornoski sat down with eminent theologian David Bentley Hart who had just released his translation of the New Testament. The two discussed and sparred over topics such as property rights, victimless crimes, jury nullification and socialism. Watch the video above to relive that interview. Syndicated writer, radio host, and A Neighbor’s Choice […]

Oedipus, The Romanovs, And The Individual In The Pandemic

In monarchy… it is a matter of the victim being still alive, one that has not yet been sacrificed. In the case of divinity, by contrast, the interpretation accentuates a victim that has already been sacrificed and it is a matter of the sacred having been already expelled from the community. In the former example, […]

Man is the Measure of All Things: The Scale of the Pandemic and Everything Else

Originally appeared on the Aquila Report. We would do well to remember that when the infinite, eternal, and unchangeable God entered the world, he did so on a human scale. The cross upon which Christ died, and tomb in which he was laid, and from which he was raised, were both according to the measurement […]