
Classic Interviews: Hawk Newsome on Christianity, Black Lives Matter and Victimless Crime Laws

Back in 2018, A Neighbor’s Choice founder and writer David Gornoski sat down with Hawk Newsome, President of Black Lives Matter Greater New York. In light of recent events, we need  to get down and solve some real problems; David and Hawk’s conversation is indicative of just that. Watch the full interview above. Hawk Newsome […]

George Floyd and the Futility of Victimless Crime Laws

In light of the recent murder of George Floyd, many are demanding accountability; but it’s hard to get accountability when the government holds monopoly power and violent mobs riot on the streets of our nation. “We need to dissolve monopoly power,” says host David Gornoski. “We need to look at ourselves and ask: ‘Why am […]

Breaking the Feedback Loop with the Good Samaritan

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Host David Gornoski recalls his visit to the zoo and likens the statist media establishment to a caged llama walking in a fixed daily pattern. David urges us to break out of the feedback loop of circular […]

Metropolis – A Film Analysis

Very few films have defined a genre. One of these films is the 1927 German silent movie Metropolis. Directed by legendary filmmaker Fritz Lang, Metropolis is a dystopian sci-fiction movie that touches on important socio-political and even theological aspects of modern society. Made during the Weimar era—a time when Germany was in political and economic […]

Jordan Hall on Rene Girard, the Gospel Technology vs. Myth

Technologist and public intellectual Jordan Hall joins David Gornoski, host of A Neighbor’s Choice, for a journey through sense-making in 2020. The conversation starts off with Peter Thiel’s comments on humanity reaching a technological stagnation after the moon-landing mission. Could this be due to lack of innovation in the world of atoms? asks David Gornoski. […]

Classic Interviews: David Bentley Hart On The Politics Of Jesus

In 2018, David Gornoski sat down with eminent theologian David Bentley Hart who had just released his translation of the New Testament. The two discussed and sparred over topics such as property rights, victimless crimes, jury nullification and socialism. Watch the video above to relive that interview. Syndicated writer, radio host, and A Neighbor’s Choice […]

Man is the Measure of All Things: The Scale of the Pandemic and Everything Else

Originally appeared on the Aquila Report. We would do well to remember that when the infinite, eternal, and unchangeable God entered the world, he did so on a human scale. The cross upon which Christ died, and tomb in which he was laid, and from which he was raised, were both according to the measurement […]

Against Masks: Not Hindering Our Personal and Relational Connection With Others

This article originally appeared on The Aquila Report.  There is much talk these days about requiring people to wear masks as a condition for reopening states, businesses, and churches. This is said to be part of the “new normal” that we are to expect and accept without question. I would like to suggest that this […]

Rep. Mike Hill: Government Overreach Is Not The Answer

In this episode of A Neighbor’s Choice, Florida Rep. Mike Hill calls in and argues that instead of panicking and shutting down the economy saner heads should have prevailed. “Government is not the answer, it has created the problem in the first place.” The conversation then moves to Mike Hill’s email interaction with a woman […]

The Banality of Evil with Jarod Wachtel and Brad Smith

On our currency it says: “In God We Trust.” Do we trust the false god of human sacrifice or the God of love and mercy? Attorney Jarod Wachtel continues his discussion with David Gornoski on the coercive ways of the state and how it contradicts the self-sacrificing way of Christ. Also, businessman Brad Smith joins […]