
David Gornoski on the Hypocrisy of Jennifer Aniston, Old Gods Reborn as Political Correctness

Jennifer Aniston recently remarked that it’s “irresponsible” to vote for Kanye while proclaiming her vote for Biden based on women’s rights. “How many women’s bodies were destroyed by Barack Obama and Joe Biden in Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria?” David Gornoski asks the actress who claims to be pro-choice. “These people,” David says, referring to the […]

David Gornoski Reviews the Trump/Biden Debate, Trail Thoughts: How to Overcome Fear

While concluding that Trump won the debate against Biden, David highlights the absence of foreign policy disasters, among the debate topics, such as the innocent people killed in Yemen, the drone strikes that killed US citizen Anwar al-Awlaki and his son, and others killed due to US interventionism abroad. Does this reveal something sinister about […]

Jeff Deist: Trump-Biden Debate Preview, Chris Pratt Attacked by ‘Mean Girls’

Jeff Deist, president of the Mises Institute, returns to the show for a preview of the Trump, Biden debate. On the aborted 60 minutes Trump interview, Deist says: “Talk to us directly… We don’t need the sham intermediary of CNN or any of these people. That, for me, is what the digital age is all […]

What’s Left for the Left?

“The American left should work toward abolishing the Constitution someday—either for a new document or a new democratic order without a written constitution.” This was written in a column for the New Republic. David analyzes this statement and points to the lack of any real vision on the Republican side as well as the alarming […]

Neighbor’s Choice vs Victimist Coercion

David Gornoski starts the show with his analysis of the mainstream media’s alliance with the Biden campaign. Almost all the news outlets are saying that Biden is leading the polls. Are we headed towards a one-party system at the federal level? “There is no way we’re going to have liberty when we have a media […]

The Stone the Builders Rejected

In our current state of restlessness, we need to remind ourselves that beyond the politicians in DC and the bosses of giant corporations the Master of history is deconstructing coercion and violence. “My power is made perfect in weakness,” Jesus said. The “new world order” falls apart just like the tower of Babel. What did […]

Veterans Radio: Nineteen Years of War in Afghanistan

David Gornoski comments on President Trump’s Sanford rally, the WHO’s remarks on global COVID lockdowns, the NBA’s declining viewership, and the TV media’s fear complex. Plus, Sgt. Dan McKnight of Bring Our Troops Home returns with another segment of Veterans Radio to discuss the nineteenth anniversary of the start of the Afghanistan war. McKnight reflects […]

Pence-Harris Debate Preview, Tough on Crime Confusion

David Gornoski starts the show by commenting on the news that a plexiglass barrier will be installed at the Pence-Harris debate. “This is a clown show,” David says as he highlights the fear-mongering at play in the political theater. David also comments on the Russiagate revelations. “If there is no accountability for these actions…,” he […]

Veterans Radio: The Cost of War

Sgt. Dan McKnight is back with another hour of Veterans Radio. Why did Hillary Clinton lose in the last election? Dan McKnight argues that the American people are sick of endless wars and the candidate who promises to bring our troops home is the most likely to be elected president. What is the human cost […]

Trail Thoughts: Viewing Our Lives as Stories

David Gornoski comments on the news that President Donald Trump and his wife has tested positive for the COVID virus. Also in the show, Alec Klein and Eric Kampmann return to the show with another segment of Trail Thoughts. Eric talks about his hiking experiences and the important lessons he has derived from them. Alec […]