
Amy Povah, Anrica Caldwell on Those Left Behind, Keith Weiner on Debate Fallout

Why wasn’t criminal justice discussed in the debate? Amy Povah and Anrica Caldwell join David Gornoski to discuss this important question as well as the pandemic exposure in prisons across the country. Amy also highlights how Biden has, in his career, repeatedly struck down any hope of criminal justice reform and helping the victims of […]

Amy Povah, Rufus Rochell on the Pandemic Prison Crisis

CAN-DO Clemency’s Amy Povah and Rufus Rochell join David Gornoski to give us an update on COVID cases in federal prisons. Amy says that we are facing a crisis in prisons right now where many non-violent inmates are exposed to the COVID virus. What are the updates with regards to the compassionate release petitions? Rufus […]

Elizabeth Rogliani on Life Under Venezuelan Socialism, Amy Povah Talks with Frank Merold on Release

YouTube commentator Elizabeth Rogliani joins David Gornoski to talk about the cultural and political transformation of Venezuela into a socialist state. What are the cultural changes that had to take place? Can America shake off the current elitist call for less liberty and more socialism? CAN-DO Clemency’s Amy Povah calls in to give us the […]

Why Blame Boomers? Plus, Amy Povah and Dickie Lynn Talk Prison

It’s become fashionable to blame baby boomers for much of society’s ills today. Did boomers create endless debt and corruption in politics? Who abolished the Bretton Woods system? Are boomers responsible for a system based on creating money out of thin air? Should we scapegoat generations or do we look at the core of the […]

The People’s Justice Reform with Amy Povah, Jan Schneiderman, Janet Lee

The Democratic party thinks that the average voters are dumb enough to buy Kamala Harris’ racial identity while perpetuating injustices upon people of all colors. David Gornoski offers additional insights into Kamala Harris being picked as Biden’s VP. Plus, Amy Povah, and friends of CAN-DO Clemency Foundation, Jan Schneiderman and Janet Lee, join David Gornoski […]

Amy Povah and Rufus Rochell on Home Confinement and Clemency, David Gornoski on Protecting the Individual

Amy Povah of the CAN-DO Clemency foundation calls in along with Rufus Rochell to update us on the latest news of clemency appeals for non-violent prisoners around the country. Amy and Rufus describe what home confinement looks like; the two also point out that there is still a chance for those in home confinement to […]

Criminal Justice Panel Plus Lara Logan on Antifa

“If marijuana is a gateway drug, so are alcohol and cigarettes,” says Amy Povah. The founder of CAN-DO Clemency returns on this episode with Rufus Rochell to talk about the recent compassionate releases and the others in waiting. One of many imprisoned for non-violent offenses is John Bolen who received 9 life sentences for a […]

Rufus Rochell, Amy Povah Take on the Scapegoat Machine

It’s time to rebuke the satanic system of mirror accusations that is possessing our nation right now. It’s time to set the captives free! Host David Gornoski is joined by Rufus Rochell–prisoner for 32 years for a non-violent drug choice–and founder of CAN-DO clemency Amy Povah; together the three take on the human-sacrificing machine that […]

Galen Wood and Rufus Rochell on Shining a Light for Liberty, Mercy and Justice

How important is it to stand up for our freedom? Pinellas County’s Galen Wood, store owner of Kitchen Table Games, was arrested for allegedly violating lockdown orders but has successfully defended himself from all charges. Fresh off the victory, Galen joins David Gornoski to talk about his experience and triumph for liberty. Plus, CAN-DO Clemency’s […]