Sir Owen on the Big Picture Surrounding Ukraine War

 Is there any hope, knowing that every system around us is rigged? Join David Gornoski as he answers this question while commenting on the latest stories and opinions on medical tyranny. Also in the show, Sir Owen joins to comment on the latest stories emerging from the Ukraine conflict. Will tanks and fighter jets […]

The Sacrificial Religion of Feminism

The preview issue of Ms. magazine, founded by Gloria Steinem and published in 1972, had a curious image on its cover: a picture of the goddess Kali, and instead of a myriad of weapons in her many hands, which is the traditional Hindu depiction, she brandished items such as a typewriter and clothes iron—items usually associated […]

The Science: Robert Malone MD Addresses mRNA in Food Supply, 5th Generation War

David Gornoski is joined by Dr. Robert Malone for a conversation that initially looks at how mRNA vaccines are being deployed in our livestock and companion animals. What kind of changes will this new technology cause to our immune system? Is this part of Bill Gates’ plan to have complete control over our food supply? […]

Biden’s January 6 Myth Falls Apart, Turning Scapegoats to Neighbors

Did Joe Biden just torpedo the Left’s entire January 6 narrative? What is the anthropological significance of Biden’s words, “the will of the people was under attack?” What do the political elites mean when they say “misinformation?” Listen to the full show as David Gornoski deconstructs the last vestige of ancient mythmaking based around collective […]

Larry Johnson on Ukraine Narrative Collapse, How Psychopaths Weaponize Victims

David Gornoski is joined by retired CIA analyst Larry Johnson for a conversion on what a new American revolution would look like, the invasion of America by illegal immigrants, the deaths of Ukrainian interior officials in a helicopter crash, the possibility of American boots in Ukraine, the weakening of the US dollar, and more. Also […]

Steve Kirsch Brings FAA Data Showing Pilots’ Vax Heart Damage

David Gornoski starts the show by reporting on a horrifying case of child abuse. Why isn’t the footage from January 6 being released? Is Donald Trump carrying water for Big Pharma? Steve Kirsch calls in to talk about how the FAA has quietly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal. Why is […]

Chris Bray Examines Sam Harris’ Faith in Vaccines, Michael Rectenwald Dissects the Great Reset

Chris Bray joins the show to comment on Sam Harris doubling down on his faith in the vaccines. Where is this irrational faith in Big Pharma coming from? Listen to the full show to find out. Also in the show, Professor Michael Rectenwald breaks the news of his return to Twitter; he also talks about […]

Seed Oil Survival: Brad Marshall on Seed Oils and Chronic Fatigue

Food historian, molecular biologist, and pig farmer Brad Marshall calls in to talk about why traditional dietary guidelines worked. Why were people in the 1930s and 1940s thinner than us? How do we discern the signals our bodies send with regard to the kind of fats we’re eating? What is the true cause of chronic […]

How BlackRock Bought Ukraine with Your Money

Will Biden’s handling of classified documents lead to his ousting? What does the banning of Zero Hedge tell us about how Big Pharma operates? Are independent advisors evaluating Pfizer vaccine safety really “independent?” What’s going on between BlackRock and Zelenskyy? Why is there so much secrecy around the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos? Listen […]

The Answer to Social Iatrogenesis

“The medical establishment has become a major threat to health. The disabling impact of professional control over medicine has reached the proportions of an epidemic,” philosopher Ivan Illich writes in the opening passage of his book Medical Nemesis. These words ring true, especially given how much our current world crisis has to do with public […]