Who is Our Model for Morality?

When politicians cry moral outrage, the question for us should be: What is the moral standard for our country today? The brotherhood of man? Democracy? David argues that you cannot eliminate the rule of tyranny and violence without modeling yourself on Jesus. If we’re to imitate Jesus as the role model for governance, does that […]

Dr. Yu on Biggest Black Hole Collision, Rust on the Moon, Jeff Deist on CDC Takeover of Rent, Schools

Dr. Weiping Yu returns to the show to comment on the surprising news of two black holes colliding. Is there credible evidence that this collision took place? The physicist also comments on the discovery of Lunar Hematite, the finding that molecule found in bee venom can beat breast cancer, and more. Jeff Deist of the Mises […]

Politics Normalizes Violence, Warp Speed Rigs Medical Science

David Gornoski starts off the show by analyzing New York governor Andrew Cuomo’s remarks about Trump’s “negligence.” What do we make of the left’s attempt to normalize violence in everyday American lives? Should we forget how Cuomo’s negligence cost lives in New York’s nursing homes? Join David as he gets to the bottom of the […]

Veteran Ben Adams on Endless Wars, Keith Weiner Takes on Keynes

Marines veteran Ben Adams joins David Gornoski to talk about the foreign policy stances espoused by President Trump as opposed to the Democratic party. Why do Democrats like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have double standards on people of color when it comes to their actions in countries like Libya and Syria? What’s the situation […]

Separation of Cure and State, Lou Perez on the Rand Paul Incident

“The vast majority of the public is tired of politics; they want to see solutions,” David Gornoski says as he starts off the show. Governments cannot eradicate disease and malnutrition through central planning, David argues, because they don’t have skin in the game. David also reflects on Nancy Pelosi’s hypocritical visit to a hair salon […]

The Personhood Revolution of Jesus

“What kind of resistance sides with the media and establishment elites?” David Gornoski asks as he exposes Antifa’s “McResistance.” David zeroes in on the media and points out how they stoked the flames of the riots by constantly pushing narratives bound in scapegoating Trump voters. Should the state involve itself in the development of coronavirus […]

THINGS HIDDEN 19: Big City Blues

David Gornoski and Shannon Braswell are back with another discussion. This time, the two have an exciting conversation on mimesis in an increasingly technological world. How has the end of witch-hunting accelerated scientific innovation? What are the modern-day scapegoating institutions that have brought innovation to a standstill? Is the profit model desirable in the field […]

Libby Emmons on NPR Celebration of Looting, Michael Gibson on Luminar Going Public

Libby Emmons, senior editor at the Post Millenial, calls in to talk about the leftist defense of looting, which is even seen by one author as ‘reparations.’ Are there powerful entities behind the organizing of the rioters? Listen to the full episode for Libby and David’s analysis, and more. Also in the show, Michael Gibson, […]

Our Country’s Search for Justice

David Gornoski comments on the latest news surrounding the shooting at Portland. Is it any coincidence that the shooter identified himself as “hundred percent Antifa?” In light of the Rand Paul incident, what valid argument can Marxism provide when it almost always resort to persecution and violence? The host of A Neighbor’s Choice also comments […]

Filmmaker Jon Croft on the Future of Governance, Technology, Storytelling

Film Producer and Director Jon Croft joins David Gornoski to reflect on the work of anthropologist Rene Girard and its significance in politics and culture. In light of the socio-political unrest around us right now, have people lost their belief in the American dream? Jon says that what we’re seeing now is the gradual death […]