DC Film Series: Why Humans Love War with Bruce Fein

David Gornoski is joined by Bruce Fein, an expert constitutional lawyer. Together, the two discuss the liberty movement and what the lack of such a movement entails. Are power, self-interest, and greed only limited to the private sector? Is the separation of powers reconcilable with the desire to police the world? Bruce Fein highlights the absurdity of our involvement in the various interventionist wars around the globe and the hypocrisy of the mainstream media feigning concern for social justice while pushing for endless wars overseas. Why do human beings love war? Will humanity ever lose its appetite for war?

2 replies
  1. Thomas Esser
    Thomas Esser says:

    Bruce Fein is quite right in his social/wealth circle and his right about humanity, but. The one problem with his assumptions and his learned knowledge is that he has taken the book of life and inserted himself at page 235 of chapter 3. after 350 years of the west moving from running around the forrests of England with our faces painted blue and wearing a loin cloth, to flying around in planes. My disagreement to a small portion of his views spring from the fact that humanity did not start in the modern world with Governments. Humanity started with the elder system of control when we were still tribal, nomadic to find food and because not all humans are of the same age, height, knowledge, age, strength or even wisdom. So life and liberty wasn’t the same as his assumptions about whether or not humans need Government style of control, most humans in the dark old days did not live past the age of 25ish so because the female is 10 years more mature then a male of the same age the wife had to be about 15 and sometimes even less, hence Mohamad is accused by stupid modern men of being a Pedophile, he wasn’t, thats what was considered normal in those days because it was. So modern man who has read or seen nothing should shut up. Our problem is that his right but forgets that we are still evolving as Tech takes us forward into situations we don’t know, like A.I. The first and second Industrial revolutions led to WW1 and WW2, We are now moving into the fourths and 60% of humanity is not prepared or capable of adopting or adapting.

  2. Thomas Esser
    Thomas Esser says:

    Given what I just said, this is the reason for WW1 and WW2. Who would be the biggest factory.
    The Students guide to World History 1789-1979.by R.D. Walshe
    page 61
    “The bulk of industry was in the hands of the ‘big four’ – Britain, Germany, France and the United States. They had controlled 80% of the world’s manufacturing output in 1870 and still controlled 72% of it in 1914. Even within this privileged group there was extreme unevenness: France fell badly behind the others in the 1870’s; and between 1870 and 1914, while Britain’s manufacturing output doubled, that of Germany increased five fold, and that of the United States seven fold. The astonishing progress in the United States meant that by 1900 the industrial center of gravity of the world had shifted away from Europe.

    1860 Britain France U.S.A. Germany
    1870 Britain U.S.A. France Germany
    1880 U.S.A. Britain Germany France
    1890 U.S.A. Britain Germany France
    1900 U.S.A. Germany Britain France

    (and take note that WW1 and WW2 soon followed to restore France and England to their rightful places, or so they thought. )

    Within Europe, unevenness of development can be further observed by means of two interesting comparisons. Thus, the relatively ‘old’ industrial country, France, whose industrial ‘take-off’ began in the 1830’s, was being overhauled by Russia, whose ‘take-off’ did not begin until the 1880’s: in the period 1870~1914, France’s coal production grew from 13 to 40 million tons, but Russia’s from less than one million to 36 million; France’s pig-iron production grew from 1.2 to 4.6 million tons, but Russia’s from .5 to 3.6 million. Even more significant was the success of Germany in overhauling the pioneer of the Industrial Revolution, Britain. While Britain’s coal production grew from 112 to 292 million tons between 1870 and 1914, Germany’s grew from 34 to 277 million tons. The corresponding figures for pig-iron were: Britain’s from 6 to 11 million tons; Germany’s from 1.3 to 14.7 million tons. Moreover, by 1914 Germany was producing 14 million tons of steel compared to Britain’s 6.5 million tons. Germany was making much more effective use than Britain of the new industries of the ‘Second Industrial Revolution’, especially steel, chemicals and electricity.

    From the 1870’s the industrial countries were troubled by acute competition – competition between one another and competition within each national economy. Their rapid industrial and agricultural growth produced serious economic strains. Indeed, the period 1873-1896 is sometimes called the ‘Great Depression’.”

    Then came The Great Depression:
    The World Depression 1929-33 is usually taken as beginning with the slump of share prices on the Wall Street Stock Exchange, New York, in October 1929. It reached its depth in 1932 after huge banks in Austria, Germany and elsewhere went bankrupt. Forty million wage-workers lost their jobs.
    We Have to Remember that:
    (ii) Periodic Cycles of Business. Attention was drawn to earlier depressions. In the 19th century an English economist, W. S. Jevons, had noticed that such crises tended to recur at roughly ten-year intervals. Since 1815 they had occurred in 1827, 1836, 1847, 1857, 1866, 1873, 1882, 1893, 1900, 1907, 1913, 1921 – and now, 1930. Give or take a year for their full impact to reach any particular country, they were essentially a worldwide phenomenon. Jevons thought he found the cause in the periodical recurrence of sun-spots, which, by reducing the sun’s radiance, in turn reduced the world’s harvests, and by thus harming agriculture harmed also the general economies of every land. There is more to this great book and it is all you need to read to understand the last 200 odd years of human progress and debauchery.


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