What’s Left for the Left?

“The American left should work toward abolishing the Constitution someday—either for a new document or a new democratic order without a written constitution.” This was written in a column for the New Republic. David analyzes this statement and points to the lack of any real vision on the Republican side as well as the alarming […]

Why Christ Didn’t Write, Veterans Radio: Honoring Smedley Butler, Nineteen Years of the Afghanistan War

David Gornoski begins the show by reading from Rene Girard’s book “When These Things Begin.” What did Jesus mean when he said we must pick up His cross and follow Him? What does the imitation of Christ mean in our modern-day society? Also in the show, David is joined by Sgt. Dan McKnight of Bring […]

State of the Media Assessment

“The right doesn’t have a robust answer to the lies behind the utopian revolutionary moment that we’re entering.” Joining David Gornoski for this episode is Michael Rectenwald, author of Beyond Woke, to discuss this phase of near-totalitarianism rising in our country. How can the media collude with a character like Joe Biden and portray him […]

Maj Toure on Liberty and Responsibility

In this classic interview, David Gornoski is joined by Maj Toure of Black Guns Matter. The two discuss government overreach, taxation, leftist hijacking of emotions for statism, gun-control, Kanye West’s musical direction, and more. How do we reform our culture without violence and coercion? Listen to the full episode to find out how love for […]

Neighbor’s Choice vs Victimist Coercion

David Gornoski starts the show with his analysis of the mainstream media’s alliance with the Biden campaign. Almost all the news outlets are saying that Biden is leading the polls. Are we headed towards a one-party system at the federal level? “There is no way we’re going to have liberty when we have a media […]

Ryan McMaken: The Future of Twitter, Decrease in Real Crime Arrests

Mises Institute’s Ryan McMaken calls in to comment on the increasing censoring by social media companies. Ryan highlights how these new media “platforms” are becoming more open about pushing their political agendas like the TV media of old. Is there any way to hold these Big Tech companies accountable? Will Twitter meet a similar fate […]

Science and U: Are We Living in a Simulation?

Dr. Weiping Yu is back with another segment of Science and U. On the claim that there is a fifty percent chance we’re living in a simulation, Dr. Yu remarks says, “there is a fundamental problem in quantum physics” and this is why such claims arise. What can better explain our universe if not quantum […]

Hunter Biden Email Scandal, Social Media Mass Censorship

David Gornoski starts the show by continuing his analysis of the New York Post Hunter Biden story and the subsequent mass censorship of this story by Big Tech companies like Facebook and Twitter. What are the consequences of Biden’s email leaks and Big Tech censoring any mention of it? How deep does corruption lie in […]

Keith Weiner on Government Stimulus, Amy Povah and Maurenne Griese on Prisoners in the Pandemic

Keith Weiner of Monetary Metals calls in to comment on stimulus checks in pandemic time and whether they do good for the economy. Is government involvement, even in an emergency, beneficial or harmful? Weiner argues that every government intervention is initiated as a reaction to an “emergency.” Listen to the full episode for more from […]

The Media as “Team Biden Rapid Response,” Hunter Biden Emails

David Gornoski resumes his commentary on the media’s one-sided coverage of the 2020 presidential election. David expands on Mike Cernovich’s tweet that “the entire media establishment is Team Biden rapid response.” Join David Gornoski as he comments on the New York Post story surrounding Hunter Biden’s emails, Biden and Co’s horrendous foreign policy record, Big […]