How Seed Oils Brought Cancer to Japan

A trillion-dollar coin could be minted by the government at any time. Joining David Gornoski for this episode is Jon Croft who calls in to talk about the corruption scandal in New South Wales, Australia; critical race theory running amok in schools; lockdown tyranny around the world; and more. Also in the show, Tucker Goodrich […]

The Government Is a False Guardian

What are Pfizer scientists saying about our natural immunity? How do we get out of the abusive relationship with government? How do we deal with the constant push by the government to break up families? Join David Gornoski as he reflects on these questions while also commenting on today’s trend of “following your own bliss;” […]

The Importance of Feeling Empathy

What does it mean when the Bible says “God is love?” Are we islands unto ourselves or are we rooted in a transcendental source of community? Join David Gornoski as he reflects on these questions while also commenting on the need for empathy whilst navigating through the hate-filled news cycle of our time. Is unconditional […]

Facebook Goes Down, Should We Care?

The way of the world is to get caught up in groupthink and shift blame onto others, but Jesus shows us another way. David Gornoski is back and he recalls what’s been happening with the show since last week. What happened to Facebook? How should we react to its decline? Is the Drudge Report going […]

Professor Ameer Taha on Lipid Oxidation, Linoleic Acid, OXLAMS

In this special podcast, Tucker Goodrich catches up with Professor Ameer Taha, renowned food scientist and expert in the area of Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids. Professor Taha talks about how he came to take an interest in lipid oxidation, the keto diet’s effectiveness against epilepsy, pesticides found in human breast milk, the […]

Jim Rogers on Digital Currency, Surveillance, China and Japan

David Gornoski is joined by renowned investor Jim Rogers for an interesting conversation on the fall of Evergrande, whether China will bail out failing corporations, the Fed’s plan to roll out their own digital currency, the increasing surveillance state in Australia, the damages caused to the agricultural industry, the declining population of Japan, whether we […]

Zombie Economics, Political Psychosis & Decentralization

The Mises Institute‘s Jeff Deist joins Tucker Goodrich for an exciting conversation on the folly of central economic planning; the decline of Japan’s population and why it is tied to their stagnant economics; the increasing political psychosis in America; why decentralization is the way forward; and more.

Science and U: Is Fusion Theory Fundamentally Flawed?

It’s Science and U and physicist Dr. Weiping Yu joins Tucker Goodrich to take on the latest science news. Scientists believe they can recreate cosmic reactions to unlock astronomical mysteries. Is this possible? Why are we always waiting forever for fusion energy? How can we make sense of Dark Energy? Listen to the full segment […]

Protein Power, Battling Obesity With Low Carb Solutions

Tucker Goodrich guest hosts this special episode of A Neighbor’s Choice. The nutritional researcher is joined by Dr. Michael Eades who calls in to talk about his bestselling book “Protein Power,” low carb diet solutions, battling obesity, the lack of nutritional advice in the pandemic, the underwhelming effect of the decreed medicines, natural immunity, what […]

Dr. Chris Masterjohn on Keto, Carnivore Diets, Vitamin D

In this podcast, David Gornoski and Tucker Goodrich sit down with nutrition science expert Dr. Chris Masterjohn. Dr. Masterjohn’s talks about his upcoming book Vitamins and Minerals 101; essential nutrients for our bodies; why the keto diet fails to achieve fed state; whether human beings were fully carnivores at any point in history; the good […]