
The Old Media Complex Are Conspiracy Theorists

Do we “otherize the media” when we critique power? Join David Gornoski as he analyzes the latest news and topics such as the locking up of Capitol protesters; the literacy problem in places like California thanks to public schools; a toxicologist’s call to halt the distribution of COVID vaccines; the corporate press’ denial of reality […]

FDA Pushes Experimental Vaccines on Kids

What is happening with the vaccine rollouts? Has Signal exposed Facebook’s seedy anti-privacy practices? Can Antony Blinken back up his claim that the U.S. government protects independent journalism while having Assange locked up in Britain? Join David Gornoski as he gets to the bottom of these questions while addressing the latest news such as violence […]

The Left Has Sided With Big Pharma

“God is government and governments are gods; that’s what we’re led to believe.” Why has the Left stopped their skepticism and are now siding with big pharmaceutical corporations? Should conservatives be concerned with the state of public schools? Join David Gornoski as he comments on the corporate press’ relationship with Big Pharma; the recent UFO […]

Sir Owen Analyzes Build Back Better

David Gornoski digs deep into past mainstream media reports of Big Pharma’s illegal activities, the same Big Pharma corporations that are now manufacturing the COVID vaccines to the same media’s delight. Plus, David Gornoski is joined by frequent guest and geopolitical analyst Sir Owen who highlights that now the entire corporate press is singing from […]

Remembering the Sins of Big Pharma

“How embarrassing!” David Gornoski remarks at the Fauci’s response to Joe Rogan’s statements on the vaccine. Join David as he comments on Fauci’s reply to Joe Rogan; the latest revelation in Matt Gaetz scandal; changes in genes by COVID; NIH testing AIDS drugs on foster kids; the corporate press’ flip-flop on big pharmaceutical corporations; and […]

The Empire Comes Home

Why is Nick Fuentes placed on a no-fly list? If the NSA can surveil political American dissidents why can’t it do the same with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell? Why are war hawks like Liz Cheney now being lauded by the corporate press? Why are movements like Extinction Rebellion given sufficient media coverage but anti-lockdown […]

Build Back Better: The Empire Strikes Back

David Gornoski begins the episode by reflecting on a clip that depicts the religious adoration of Fauci and the state. David also comments on the death of Indian health ambassador Vivekh; rising food, gas, and electricity costs; the mainstream media’s myth around the Capitol protests; increasing mental illness in liberal women; the Fauci-Wuhan connection; and […]

FBI Goes Against Online Free Speech

Why did the FBI label the congressional shooting “suicide by cop?” Insanity is now the rule of law, David Gornoski says as he highlights the lack of accountability from voices such as Valerie Jarrett who remarked on the recent Ohio police shooting. Why can’t Fauci make up his mind on the real purpose behind the […]

The Great Remembering Begins

David Gornoski comments on the breaking news around the Derek Chauvin trial. What can we learn from the trial and how can we affect real change instead of expanding the coercion arm of the state? Listen to the full episode to find out. Plus, David Gornoski takes us through the history of the media’s swerving […]

What Media Wants You to Do

Why would Mark Zuckerberg donate to the Georgia Secretary of State? Why is natural immunity ignored in talks about the development of vaccines? Is there anything remotely scientific about what the government and Big Pharma, surrounded by legal immunity, are doing with the medical industry? Why should we listen to the same media that lied […]