
Tho Bishop on Public Unions’ Perpetuation of Bad Policing

Bad cops need to be held liable but public unions often stand in the way, claims Tho Bishop as he explains how the tragic George Floyd incident is the consequence of bad bureaucracy, unreformed policing, and the people of Minneapolis voting in all these things that have now come back to haunt them. Public unions […]

George Floyd and the Futility of Victimless Crime Laws

In light of the recent murder of George Floyd, many are demanding accountability; but it’s hard to get accountability when the government holds monopoly power and violent mobs riot on the streets of our nation. “We need to dissolve monopoly power,” says host David Gornoski. “We need to look at ourselves and ask: ‘Why am […]

Jeff Deist on Pandemic War Propaganda, Dr. Yu on Ultrasound Therapy and Nuclear Fusion

Mises Institute’s Jeff Deist highlights the eerie similarity between war propaganda and the COVID-19 media coverage. Is there a ‘smoking gun’ that justifies the economic shutdown? Deist also comments on the news surrounding Trump’s executive move against Twitter. Dr. Weiping Yu returns with Science and U to discuss the latest method of using ultrasound against […]

Dr. Robert Epstein Exposes Google Election Interference and Manipulation

Former Editor in Chief of Psychology Today, Dr. Robert Epstein, Harvard PhD, joins us to talk about his stunning work on Google and social media manipulation and election interference. Even the simplest search results, Dr. Epstein claims, can dramatically shift the election in favor of one candidate. “Seventy percent of the YouTube videos people watch […]

Joe Gruters: Getting Back to Work

Host David Gornoski brings to light how our arbitrary usage of coercive state power and the ‘quarantining’ of projected guilt fails in binding our society together. David also comments on the media’s obsession with policing speech, the government misinformation on nutrition, and the general distraction of politics from the actual solving of problems. Plus, state […]

Scott Horton Destroys Obamagate Fake News

Reject the bipartisan narrative of the media and tell the plain truth! Scott Horton of and host of the Scott Horton Show calls in to take on the media-perpetuated myths surrounding Obamagate and Russiagate. The ‘Fool’s Errand’ author also addresses the persecution of whistleblowers surrounding the state-initiated mass surveillance and the 2016 presidential election. […]

Classic Interviews: David Bentley Hart On The Politics Of Jesus

In 2018, David Gornoski sat down with eminent theologian David Bentley Hart who had just released his translation of the New Testament. The two discussed and sparred over topics such as property rights, victimless crimes, jury nullification and socialism. Watch the video above to relive that interview. Syndicated writer, radio host, and A Neighbor’s Choice […]

Jeff Deist On The Coming COVID-19 Crash

Jeff Deist, president of Mises Institute, returns to the show to discuss the big question that has businesses, investors, and the average wage-earners worried: Do we have an economic crash on the horizon? Also, what is going on with Trump’s ‘Operation Warp Speed’ project? “Grandiosity in every other walk of life is good,” Jeff Deist […]

Peter Schiff On The Pandemic Pandemonium

Listen to the podcast below: Investment guru Peter Schiff, the author of ‘The Real Crash: America’s Coming Bankruptcy,’ calls in to talk about the economic disarray caused by the government shutdowns and bailouts. Schiff argues that the government should cut down it’s spending to mitigate the crisis. “If you’re getting benefits but can’t buy anything, […]

Rep. Mike Hill: Government Overreach Is Not The Answer

In this episode of A Neighbor’s Choice, Florida Rep. Mike Hill calls in and argues that instead of panicking and shutting down the economy saner heads should have prevailed. “Government is not the answer, it has created the problem in the first place.” The conversation then moves to Mike Hill’s email interaction with a woman […]