
“We Don’t Want a Reset, We Need to Press Start,” Assessing the 2020 Election with Curt Mills

David Gornoski starts the show by getting into a problem not unusual for many Americans going into the next week: the moral conundrum of voting. Can we shrink into the voting crowd and have politicians take the things we haven’t worked hard for? “We don’t want a ‘reset,’” David says, “we need to press start.” […]

Keith Weiner: What About China? Jeff Deist on the Religiosity of Election Day

Keith Weiner of Monetary Metals returns to the show to address the Biden family ties to communist China. Can we have fair and free trade deals with China? Keith argues that we are weakening our economy with our central-planning and that it would be foolish to ask for more regulations. Also, Jeff Deist of the […]

DC Film Series: Why Humans Love War with Bruce Fein

David Gornoski is joined by Bruce Fein, an expert constitutional lawyer. Together, the two discuss the liberty movement and what the lack of such a movement entails. Are power, self-interest, and greed only limited to the private sector? Is the separation of powers reconcilable with the desire to police the world? Bruce Fein highlights the […]

DC Film Series: Christianity, Liberty, and Nationalism with Dan McCarthy

Daniel McCarthy, editor of Modern Age, sits down with David Gornoski, host of A Neighbor’s Choice, to talk about the need for an alternative to leftist culture, the future of conservatism in America, dehumanization in political rhetoric, similarities between President Trump and Ron Paul, government hindrance to innovation and progress in science and technology, and […]

Connor Boyack on Christ vs Caesar

In this episode, David Gornoski is joined by Connor Boyack, author of Tuttle Twins and the upcoming Christ vs. Caesar. What does “render unto Caesar” mean for the modern-day Christian? To answer this important question, Boyack takes us through a history of the Church’s relationship with the State. Can we hide behind the anonymity of […]

How to Get Presidential Clemency with John Bolen and Charles Tanner

In this episode, David Gornoski and Amy Povah are joined by John Bolen and Charles “Duke” Tanner, both non-violent first-time offenders who were serving life sentences and now pardoned by President Trump. Charles Tanner, former undefeated boxer, and John Bolen recount their past experiences and how they are looking forward to the new chapters of […]

Empire of Envy, the Fall of Myth in the Digital Age

David Gornoski starts this episode by arguing against the enforcement of nanny-state laws to check the vices of citizens. He then moves our attention towards the crumbling empire of envy. How deep is the religiosity among social justice warriors? How has the digital age affected “woke” entertainment? Will the media succeed in changing history with […]

Amy Coney Barrett Seals SCOTUS, the “Tough on Crime” Fallacy

David Gornoski starts the episode by commenting on the news of Amy Coney Barrett sealing the Supreme Court confirmation. Plus, David also comments on what it means to be “tough on crime.” Is defending non-violent offenders from unjust sentences contrary to being “tough on crime?” We know from history, David says, that prohibition gives rise […]

American Pravda vs the Future

“Joe Biden doesn’t even know who he is running against.” Join David Gornoski as he opens the show by continuing his analysis of this bizarre election where Big Tech has openly colluded with one party against the other. Why hasn’t Trump challenged Biden on all the wars started by him and Obama when they were […]

David Gornoski Reviews the Trump/Biden Debate, Trail Thoughts: How to Overcome Fear

While concluding that Trump won the debate against Biden, David highlights the absence of foreign policy disasters, among the debate topics, such as the innocent people killed in Yemen, the drone strikes that killed US citizen Anwar al-Awlaki and his son, and others killed due to US interventionism abroad. Does this reveal something sinister about […]