
Dissecting the Media’s “Consensus of Reality”

The Mises Institute’s Tho Bishop returns to the show to comment on the FBI’s role in the January 6 Capitol storming; how Big Tech coordinates with Statists in censoring information; the American population’s acceptance of big government tyranny; the media’s refusal to be truthful for fear of giving credibility to Trump; why hydroxychloroquine was attacked […]

Kamala Harris Descends On Guatemala

David Gornoski opens the show by commenting on Kamala Harris’ warning to Guatemalan migrants about making the trek to the border. Did Kamala get mad at the Trump supporters in Guatemala? Should Ron DeSantis use state power to force corporations against discriminatory practices? What does the state subsidizing of vegetable and seed oils teach us […]

THINGS HIDDEN 35: Visionary Mimesis in 20th Century Rubble with Michael Gibson

THINGS HIDDEN! David Gornoski is joined by Michael Gibson, venture capitalist and co-founder of the 1517 Fund. Is economics a moral philosophy? Why is there reluctance in trusting mainstream experts now more than ever? How do Leftists feel now that all of the major corporations are on their side on almost every issue? If Jesus […]

COVID Origins Further Explored

David Gornoski starts the episode by commenting on the “explosive” new study that says COVID was made in the Wuhan lab. Will it be possible for Fauci to defend the NIH after information pointing to the gain-of-function research at Wuhan continues to mount? Is Joe Biden the hero that the media say he is or […]

Where’s the Beef?

What’s happening with the alleged cyberattack on meatpacker JBS? Are we being told the truth or are we fed lies that protect monopolies? Why is the media horror-stricken and warning us about the return of Donald Trump? Why is there a concerted effort to push Fauci as something of a celebrity after his role for […]

THINGS HIDDEN 33: Applying Rene Girard’s Mimetic Theory to Economics and Media with Burke Peters

In this episode of THINGS HIDDEN, David Gornoski is joined by Burke Peters. The two talk about applying the valuable insights of Rene Girard’s Mimetic Theory on the field of market economics. Has tribalism escalated much more in this globalized world? Can an understanding of mimetic desire help us ethically engage market economics? How does […]

Media Runs Interference for Big Pharma

The world must adopt the Florida man spirit, David Gornoski says as he begins the episode. Join David as he comments on the corporate press’ shilling for big pharma, the criticism of fake version of free markets, doctors persecuted for raising concerns about the vaccines, Paul Ryan’s appeal to GOP to ditch Trump, Ivermectin helping […]

Ryan Girdusky on His PAC Against Critical Theory

David Gornoski opens the episode with some much-needed analysis of the news. Does it look like Bill Gates is eating healthily? Will the elimination of Trump serve anything beneficial for the Left? With the decreasing cash flow evident, has the Hollywood-China romance officially ended? Also in the show, David is joined by political consultant and […]

Skepticism and Groupthink

The mainstream media wants us to demonize our ability to fight off diseases and comorbidities like getting rid of the Omega-6 fats. Should we let the CDC and big pharma off the hook as easily as we’ve often let them? Should we let the corporate press off the hook now that many dissident voices are […]

Jerry Bowyer on Scapegoating in Culture Wars

In this episode, Jerry Bowyer of Townhall Finance joins David Gornoski to discuss the start of his podcast Meeting of Minds and his first interview with Peter Thiel. Is there a positive version of scapegoating? Who or what would be worthy enemies to unite ourselves against? Is there validity to some of the criticisms from […]