
Ryan Girdusky on His PAC Against Critical Theory

David Gornoski opens the episode with some much-needed analysis of the news. Does it look like Bill Gates is eating healthily? Will the elimination of Trump serve anything beneficial for the Left? With the decreasing cash flow evident, has the Hollywood-China romance officially ended? Also in the show, David is joined by political consultant and […]

Skepticism and Groupthink

The mainstream media wants us to demonize our ability to fight off diseases and comorbidities like getting rid of the Omega-6 fats. Should we let the CDC and big pharma off the hook as easily as we’ve often let them? Should we let the corporate press off the hook now that many dissident voices are […]

Jerry Bowyer on Scapegoating in Culture Wars

In this episode, Jerry Bowyer of Townhall Finance joins David Gornoski to discuss the start of his podcast Meeting of Minds and his first interview with Peter Thiel. Is there a positive version of scapegoating? Who or what would be worthy enemies to unite ourselves against? Is there validity to some of the criticisms from […]

Why Are Conservatives Imitating a Dying Empire?

Now that the central planners and their corporatist friends are failing more and more every day, why do their opponents still seek to imitate them? How can we solve multiple problems with innovation and creativity? What can we expect now that we see the desperation and consolidation of the old TV party, especially in entertainment? […]

Film Director Amanda Milius Responds to NY Times Spy Story

Did the Capitol protest occur exactly as the corporate press reported? If yes then why do recent videos reveal police permitting the protesters to enter the Capitol? Why is there a sustained vaccination push towards kids? In this episode, David Gornoski is joined by the director of the film The Plot Against the President, Amanda […]

Persecuting Trump Will Turn Trump Into a Martyr

What happened to Bill Gates? David Gornoski highlights how the media outlets are doing a complete u-turn on the man whom they once revered. Will the criminal investigation against Trump succeed? How far has statist misinformation spread through the corporate state-submitted press? Join David Gornoski as he answers these questions among others while highlighting how […]

Col. Macgregor Responds to Axios Story, Sir Owen on Pentagon Secrecy

In this episode, Col. Douglas Macgregor joins David Gornoski to comment on the Axios news story that speaks about Trump’s daring proposal to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and even Germany. Why was this proposal blocked by the status quo in DC? Why did Trump back down in the face of pressure? Also […]

The Pentagon’s Secret Army

David Gornoski starts the show by commenting on the latest revelations surrounding Bill Gates’ divorce and his connection to Jeffrey Epstein. Should we take medical advice from someone who takes marriage advice from Epstein? Why does the Left coddle Liz Cheney and yet scapegoat Tulsi Gabbard? What went on behind the scenes as Trump proposed […]

The Old Media Complex Are Conspiracy Theorists

Do we “otherize the media” when we critique power? Join David Gornoski as he analyzes the latest news and topics such as the locking up of Capitol protesters; the literacy problem in places like California thanks to public schools; a toxicologist’s call to halt the distribution of COVID vaccines; the corporate press’ denial of reality […]

The Ethics of Gain-of-Function Researches

There’s nothing progressive in perpetuating wars overseas, giving healthcare to crony corporations, and restricting innovation. Should we completely abandon the focus on physical innovation and focus only on digital innovation? In light of recent revelations from Wuhan, why aren’t there any discussions on the ethics surrounding gain-of-function researches? Since Obama, Biden, and Clinton have more […]