
Is Paganism Returning to Our Culture?

David Gornoski starts the episode with a reflection on Twitter’s suspension of Dr. Robert W. Malone and how censorship always backfires. What was the point in removing liberties for the last two years when Biden admitted there is no federal solution to the pandemic? Listen to the full episode as David searches for an answer. […]

Omicron Fearmongering, Trump on the Mandated Drugs

Tho Bishop of the Mises Institute joins David Gornoski in tackling the latest fearmongering narratives by the corporate press. Tho also comments on Trump’s defense of the decreed medicine, the significance of Christmas, and more.

Building Parallel Structures

David Gornoski is joined by James Kourtides of the Rooster’s Crow podcast as they comment on the latest news and how the media establishment is breaking down thanks to people like Kanye West and Donald Trump. How can we create new technologies to make the old media irrelevant and obsolete? Are the mandated drugs successful […]

Developing a Culture of Kindness

David Gornoski starts the episode with some reflections on the notion of mandating medicine, employee shortages, pandemic long-term effects, and Biden’s declining ratings. Are healthy diets more effective than patented drugs? Can the GOP move past Trump’s movement? How are small businesses reacting to the proposed drug mandate? How do we create a culture of […]

Who Will We Be In Awe Of?

David Gornoski comments on the growing workers’ shortage in the country; the desire to control the masses through force; Mikhaila Peterson’s conversion to Christianity; Biden’s plummeting jobs ratings; and more. Will we be able to exorcize our desire to become gods over others? Who do independents think are the most threatening to America’s democracy? What […]

Aiming for Heaven

David Gornoski starts the show by commenting on the Facebook “whistleblower” campaign with the help of Glenn Greenwald’s latest exposé on the story. Join David for this episode as he offers his analysis on the latest news before pointing us to C.S. Lewis’ advice of “aiming for heaven.” Is printing money out of thin air […]

RT’s CrossTalk – Dual Justice

David Gornoski recently appeared on RT news’ CrossTalk show with Peter Lavelle alongside Lionel and Sabrina Salvati. Here’s the full discussion. “Is there now a dual system of justice? Many think so. For example, a former senior FBI official lied repeatedly to his bosses, but now is exonerated. But a former head of the National […]

Why Government Is Responsible for the Supply Chain Collapse

In this segment, David Gornoski is joined by Mises contributor and economist Peter St Onge who talks about the supply chain issue, how much the government is responsible for this problem, what Biden can do to solve this problem, why the drug mandates would cause rising prices, and more. Read St. Onge’s article on the […]

The Nation’s Workforce Decreases, Florida Dumps DC

David Gornoski is joined by Brad Smith from Michigan for an exciting conversation on current topics such as the decrease of the nation’s workforce due to the mandates, whether drug mandates are responsible for the increase of pandemic cases, and whether we could survive a materially scarce society. Should we look to politics for solutions? […]

Standing Up For Vanishing Liberties

What is a mannequin doing in a bed of Canada’s “overwhelmed” hospitals? David Gornoski starts the show by explaining how the Fed’s endless printing of money serves no one but the greedy corporatists and the political status quo. What is the data from Taiwan revealing about mandating medicine? Should we be content with our liberties […]