
THINGS HIDDEN 92: Marc Victor on His Blake Masters Endorsement, Live and Let Live Movement

 David Gornoski sits down with Marc Victor, podcaster and politician-attorney in the Libertarian Party. The two discuss David’s criticism of Marc’s comments on age of consent in the Senate debate, the principle of “Live and Let Live,” criminal justice reforms, whether the liberty movement can be co-opted by globalism, the Christian root of secularism, […]

THINGS HIDDEN 91: Joel Salatin on How to Farm

David Gornoski sits down with regenerative farming pioneer Joel Salatin for an exciting THINGS HIDDEN conversation. Joel Salatin talks about the recent “homestead tsunami;” how the younger generation can get into farming; what kind of farming is most suitable; whether glyphosate is great, whether government intervention in our health and nutrition crises would be beneficial; […]

THINGS HIDDEN 90: Gil Bailie Arrives

David Gornoski sits down with Gil Bailie, author of “Violence Unveiled” and “God’s Gamble“. Gil Bailie talks about his introduction to Rene Girard, the apocalyptic nature of our current socio-political crises, how Jesus unveils violence, the purpose of sacrifice in the ancient world, the modern march towards complete undifferentiation, whether Hindu culture needs a savior […]

THINGS HIDDEN 89: Media Ecological Melee

In this THINGS HIDDEN episode, David Gornoski is joined by Scott Talkington and the returning Clinton Ignatov. The three talk about the overlap between the works of John Deely and Marshall McLuhan; electric universe theory; the linguistic effects of computers; the difference between nescience and ignorance; social amnesia; the meaning of Tetrad; and more. Visit […]

THINGS HIDDEN 88: The Offense of the Cross with Paul Axton

Dr. Paul Axton, host of the Forging Ploughshares podcast, joins David Gornoski for this THINGS HIDDEN episode. The two talk about how the crucifixion of Christ defies Greek and Jewish thought; how Jesus threatened the existence of the Judaic law; the purpose of the Law; the culture war in America; how Jesus will save the […]

THINGS HIDDEN 87: The Return of McLuhan with Clinton Ignatov

David Gornoski is joined by Clinton Ignatov for a conversation on the worldview of Marshall McLuhan, why listening to a song on the radio is different from other mediums, how print media is connected to the negative effects of social media, the modern preference for irony over sincerity, whether video killed the radio star, the […]

THINGS HIDDEN 86: Katherine Dee on Digital Desolation and Midnight Radio

What if Adam Lanza went to church? David Gornoski is joined by Katherine Dee, a.k.a. Default Friend; for a conversation on serial killers; how media depictions of violence influence us; how church can strengthen communities; how media serves as a “babysitter” to our children; Gospel media technology; the interplay between the work of Rene Girard […]

THINGS HIDDEN 85: Indian Bronson on Apocalyptic Chastity

David Gornoski is joined by culture critic, Indian Bronson, for a conversation about why charts are inexpensive, how the sexual revolution kills off reproduction, what can be done to end the sexual revolution, why western elites hate Putin, the military recruiting crisis in America, what millennials will think of themselves in their old age, how […]

THINGS HIDDEN 84: Paul Gottfried on the Future of Conservatism

David Gornoski sits down with Paul Gottfried, editor-in-chief of Chronicles magazine, for a discussion on the recent National Conservatism Conference in Miami, whether the American idea is susceptible to more revolutions, the Woke version of the Left, US intelligence backing of the Frankfurt School, Christian guilt in modern America, countering what Rene Girard called “super […]

THINGS HIDDEN 83: Pedro Gonzalez on the Death of Eliza Fletcher

David Gornoski sits down with Pedro Gonzalez, writer at Chronicles Magazine, for a discussion on the brutal killing of Eliza Fletcher. What are we missing in our public discourses that are related to crime and justice? Has Christianity made justice through the death penalty impossible? Is Fletcher’s killing just an isolated incident or is it […]