
THINGS HIDDEN 51: Jesus vs the Fed, Oligarchs, and Wicked Wars

 David Gornoski sits down with Jerry Bowyer, author of The Maker vs the Takers and host of the Meeting of Minds podcast, to discuss Jesus’ approach to money, wealth, and political power. Did Jesus advocate for something similar to socialism? To what extent does the modern monetary system contradict the financial teachings of Jesus? […]

THINGS HIDDEN 50: How Socialism Infected America

In this edition of THINGS HIDDEN, David Gornoski is joined by Andrei Znamenski, professor of history with an interest in anthropology. The two discuss the origin of socialism in Enlightenment-era Europe; how the religion of science came about; how socialism came to America with the help of Robert Owen; how the socialists interacted with Jeffersonians […]

Live Masked or Die, Tucker Goodrich on Bad Nutrition Science Papers

How closely related are Keynesian economics and Marxist rhetoric in today’s politics? How do we create good healthy differentiation in our society? Why is someone like Joe Rogan dwarfing twentieth-century media in terms of viewership and exchange of ideas? Join David Gornoski as he answers these questions. Also in the show, David is joined by […]

The Demon in Democracy

The state is a religious space with its own soteriology and eschatology. At the center of this quasi-religious state is the Festival of Reason in which the Goddess of Reason replaces the one true God who is revealed in Scripture and known by faith alone. Of course, what is here called reason is really unreason. […]

How to Save the World

Should we trust a government that has failed miserably in the so-called war against drugs? “Our society’s tyrants depend on creating mental prisons for the rest of the population to feel powerless as victims,” David Gornoski says. How can we move past the consecrated chaos of democracy and towards bringing more skin in the game? […]

THINGS HIDDEN 26: The Gospel of Jesus vs the Gospel of Caesar

What did Caiaphas mean when he said, “it is better that one man die than the whole nation perish?” David Gornoski sits down with writer Michael Plaisted and, together, they attempt to tackle this question for our times. Was there any semblance of socialism during the time of Christ? And if there was how did […]

Sen. Rand Paul: “Masks Are All About Submission”

If imitation is part of innate human nature, how do we go about imitating without inviting conflict? Join David Gornoski as he addresses this question. David also comments on the assault on the liberties of non-violent people; “corporate communism” in COVID bailouts; the crippling of small businesses; the Vatican’s endorsing of vaccines made from aborted […]

Media Myths Fall Like Lightning

David Gornoski starts the episode with a telling critique of the institutions that perpetuate theft and anti-western indoctrination. How does Woke Corporate-Fascism compare to Christianity and the myths of old? David reads from the work of Rene Girard and helps us understand how the Christian Gospel lays bare the concoction of narratives by power brokers. […]

Humpty Dumpty Can Never Return

“How many people of color overseas were bombed or led to starvation? Say their names, New York Times.” In this episode, David Gornoski provides a scorching critique of the New York Times’ pro-war and pro-injustice narratives disguised as social justice. What lies behind the phenomenon of rich kids wanting to overthrow capitalism? What causes rich […]

Jeff Deist: YouTube Censors Mises Institute

Jeff Deist of the Mises Institute returns to the show. What makes someone a socialist and Marxist? Jeff Deist points us to some sources that say Karl Marx had skin disease. Did Marx want others to feel his pain? How many people are suffering from a decline in health due to the lockdowns? “Fauci is a tool […]