
Science and U: Carbon Dioxide to Food?

Can carbon dioxide be converted to food? Physicist Dr. Weiping Yu joins the show to comment on whether this is possible. Dr. Yu also comments on the recent news regarding black holes. What really lies at the center of the galaxy? Has Helion Energy cracked the code for fusion technology? Listen to the full segment […]

Science and U: The Universe Is Magnetic

New research claims that eels can navigate waters with the help of the Earth’s magnetic field. “This confirms my theory,” renowned physicist Dr. Weiping Yu says. Why are human beings now taller than before? Is there a better and simpler theory that makes more sense of the universe than the flawed mainstream theory of physics […]

Science and U: The Sense of Smell

Is the sense of smelling our primary means of alerting us to nearby danger? Is it possible for our minds to lose their connection with smelling as many in the pandemic have reported? Dr. Weiping Yu returns with Science and U to give us some fascinating insights into these questions and more.

Science and U: Radio Signal in the Milky Way

David Gornoski begins the segment by responding to a listener’s email on what type of foods we can avoid to reduce vegetable oil consumption. Plus, physicist Dr. Weiping Yu joins David to comment on the latest science news. What is the “extraordinary” unknown radio signal that Astronomers have discovered coming from the Milky Way? Is […]

Science and U: How Transmutation Can Solve the Climate Crisis

It’s time for Science and U and Dr. Weiping Yu returns with another refreshing analysis of the latest science news. Is transmutation of elements possible? If transmutation is possible, how can it be used to solve the climate crisis? To what extent is magnetism ingrained into the nature of the cosmos? Listen to the full […]

Science and U: Is Fusion Theory Fundamentally Flawed?

It’s Science and U and physicist Dr. Weiping Yu joins Tucker Goodrich to take on the latest science news. Scientists believe they can recreate cosmic reactions to unlock astronomical mysteries. Is this possible? Why are we always waiting forever for fusion energy? How can we make sense of Dark Energy? Listen to the full segment […]

Science and U: Have We Discovered Dark Energy?

Dr. Weiping Yu, the chief science advisor of A Neighbor’s Choice, returns with another exciting segment of Science and U. In this episode, Dr. Yu comments on the claim by Cambridge scientists that they may have discovered dark energy; the creation of a new solid-state battery; whether the Earth’s magnetic field is flipping; and more.

Science and U: Asteroid Kleopatra

Dr. Weiping Yu returns with a refreshing segment of Science and U. The physicist comments on the asteroid Kleopatra and how it may have given birth to its own moons; why the science establishment is reluctant to correct its fundamental flaws; and more.

Science and U: Fusion Reactor Gets World’s Strongest Magnet

Dr. Weiping Yu, the chief science advisor of A Neighbor’s Choice, returns with more Science and U. The physicist comments on the news that the ITER fusion reactor has received the world’s most powerful magnet. Is there something fundamentally wrong with the Fusion energy model? Listen to the entire segment to find out.

Science and U: Was There a Big Bang?

Dr. Weiping Yu, the chief science officer of A Neighbor’s Choice, joins David Gornoski for another exciting segment of Science and U. The physicist comments on the claim that scientists have discovered the secret of wireless charging and whether the universe was really created through a big bang. Listen to the full segment for all […]