
The Vindication of Sgt. Ray Jennings

Are Americans growing more and more indifferent to corporate activism, i.e. Wokiesm? Join David Gornoski as he reflects on this question. David also talks about the vindication of a scapegoat named Ray Jennings, the errors of profiling, and the seeping redemption of Christianity. How does Christianity redeem cultures through the defense of scapegoats? Listen to […]

Fauci and the Ideological Capture of Science

Jim Babka is joined by Max Borders, the author of the Social Singularity, who calls in to discuss the validity of the drug mandates; whether drug mandates are directed by ideology rather than scientific study; Fauci and the Wuhan lab leak; Moderna’s connection to the government; the scapegoating of the drug mandate rejectors; the targeting […]

Rand Paul vs Fauci Battle Royale

Special guest host Morgan Streetman comments on the latest battle royale between Rand Paul and Fauci; the NIH’s changing of the definition of gain-of-function research; the horrific beagle torture experiments run by Fauci, the development of China’s hypersonic nuclear missiles; the scapegoat ritual of the Old Testament and what this reveals for us today; the […]

The Crowd Is Not the Friend of Liberty

You wouldn’t give your children cigarettes, so why would you give them food fried in toxic vegetable oils? Join David Gornoski as he points our attention to all the big questions about nutrition, government, anthropology, and more. If the government cared about you so much why wouldn’t they tell you to get rid of the […]

THINGS HIDDEN 39: Monica Paulus Escapes Literal Witch Burning

In this fascinating THINGS HIDDEN conversation, David Gornoski is joined by Monica Paulus, a native of Papua New Guinea who was accused of sorcery by her neighbors and family. Monica gives us a harrowing account of what it is like to be persecuted and hunted by a bloodthirsty mob. What are the reasons for these […]

Why All Good Social Justice Warriors Support Presumption of Innocence

This classic essay was originally published at Intellectual Takeout on October 11, 2018. I have a friend in Papua New Guinea named Monica Paulus who was accused of casting sorcery spells because a person died in her village. Her neighbors almost murdered her until she fled the region. Now she works to save other women falsely accused […]

Salvation Through Creativity

Man, the microcosm is responsible for the whole structure of nature and whatever takes place in man affects the whole of nature. Man gives life and spirit to nature, through his creative freedom, and he kills or fetters it through his own servitude and his fall into material necessity. –Nikolai Berdyaev1 In the summer of […]

Jerry Bowyer on Scapegoating in Culture Wars

In this episode, Jerry Bowyer of Townhall Finance joins David Gornoski to discuss the start of his podcast Meeting of Minds and his first interview with Peter Thiel. Is there a positive version of scapegoating? Who or what would be worthy enemies to unite ourselves against? Is there validity to some of the criticisms from […]

Rescuing Science from Politics

How do we rescue the spirit of scientific inquiry from the mouth of the religious institution of the State? Join David Gornoski as he cuts through corporate media groupthink and explains why we must reject monopolies so that we can have scientific dissent which is crucial in pursuing truth. Is a de facto priesthood consistent […]

Michael Rectenwald on Whiteness Scapegoating

David Gornoski starts the show by highlighting how Biden’s menthol cigarette ban sets the stage for more incarceration of non-violent people. David is joined by Michael Rectenwald, author of Beyond Woke, who talks about how “whiteness” is scapegoated by a victim-garbed political movement. What is “whiteness?” How and where did critical theory originate? How does […]