
Cultivating Confidence in a Broken Society

How do we solve the problems that we see today? David Gornoski starts the episode by making a strong case for voluntary trade, creative entrepreneurship, and unhindered innovation. How are political extremists like Antifa created? How can we cultivate healthy confidence in society? How do we cultivate good and life-affirming role models for others to […]

Choosing the Right Role Models

David Gornoski starts off the episode with a passionate plea to break the mythmaking of DC that is keeping us mired in cycles of envy and violence. David also comments on the news of the Atlanta killings which claimed the lives of eight people. What is the reason behind such killings? How can we avoid […]

Death of Dominion

Having deconstructed the trends brought on by politicization, David Gornoski expands on the need for role models that encourage excellence through freedom and voluntary self-sacrifice. David argues that the imitation of Jesus is key to breaking away from the illusion of the toxic groupthink of our times. Why do we need to look to Jesus? […]

Who Do You Imitate?

An important question for our time: Who are our role models? In this age of regulations and barriers, can we have freedom? David Gornoski argues that we can and gives an example of how the invention of the musket equalized the playing field in war through innovation. But our prosperity won’t mean anything, David says, […]

Zuby on the Cultivation of Good Role Models, the Religion of Woke

In this classic episode from November 28, 2019, David Gornoski is joined by British rapper, author, and podcaster Zuby. The two talk about cultivating good role models, race relations in the west, woke religion, Zuby’s book Strong Advice, statism, and Kanye’s Jesus is King album. Listen to the full episode for all of this, plus […]