
Science and U: Dr Yu’s Final Radio Address

Physicist Dr. Weiping Yu joins David for the final radio segment of Science and U. Dr. Yu comments on magnetoreception in animals, the standard model of particle physics, what’s wrong with quantum mechanics, whether black holes exist, what really are electrons, and more.

Science and U: Why Particles Are Magnetic

How do we make sense of the mystery behind the creation of gold, uranium, and other heavy metals? What is the fundamental error behind the theory that we need temperatures hotter than the sun to create metals? Do single-charged particles even exist? Listen to the full segment to find out and more.

Science and U: Is Physics Too Complicated?

Dr. Weiping Yu returns with more Science and U. The renowned physicist comments on the latest science news such as Japanese scientists discovering a way to regrow teeth; the promise to create a diamond nuclear-powered battery that will last for 28,000 years; physicists discovering a new phase in Bose-Einstein condensate of light particles; and more. […]

Dr. Yu on CERN New Particle Discovery and DNA Teleportation, Jeff Deist on the Neverending Lockdowns

Dr. Weiping Yu is back with another segment of Science and U. The physicist offers his insights on LHCb’s discovery of a new class of particles. If every elementary particle has already been discovered, why are we still trying to discover new particles? Dr. Yu asks. How many types of particles are there? Plus, what […]