
Lay It at the Cross

Should we remain afraid and paralyzed when faced with the ever-growing tentacles of cancel culture? “Take that dark energy pushed on us by the corporate media and throw it at the feet of the cross.” Listen to the full episode as David Gornoski performs a live exorcism on a society held captive by groupthink while […]

The State Is a False Messiah

David Gornoski continues his analysis of the news. David comments on Glen Greenwald’s latest column that highlights the decline in journalism as evidenced by the Capitol protests coverage. How do we break the addiction to politics that is peddled to us by the corporate media? Listen to the full episode as David Gornoski dissects the […]

THINGS HIDDEN 29: Andrew McLuhan on Marshall McLuhan, Rene Girard, and How Media Becomes Us

David Gornoski sits down with Andrew McLuhan, director of the McLuhan Institute and grandson of Marshall McLuhan. The two discuss the overlaps between Marshall McLuhan and Rene Girard; how Marshall McLuhan rose to fame; the relation between technology and language; pandemic mask-wearing as a theatrical gesture; how changes in technology impact desire; and more. How […]

How to Tackle State-Sponsored Violence and Coercion

David Gornoski starts off the show by commenting on the latest news coming in from the monopolist market that is rigged in favor of the rich and powerful. Does America need a state-backed media model like the BBC? Do we focus on removing corruption in government or doing away with government, which itself is corruption, […]

Troops Fill DC, What Does it Mean?

30,000 troops have filled Washington, DC in anticipation of Biden’s inauguration. What is happening in our nation’s capital? Join David Gornoski as he comments on the latest developments in a post-election America. Will big corporations and big government succeed in censoring and filtering information on the internet? Is it possible to follow the binary religion […]

The Failure of Government

Will we ever reach a time where people are not treated like pariahs just for holding differing opinions? Who made big corporations king over us? Join David Gornoski as he takes on the YouTube censoring of Scott Adams; the toxicity of closed-mindedness; the shutting down of small businesses in favor of big corporations; government taking […]

Media Myths Fall Like Lightning

David Gornoski starts the episode with a telling critique of the institutions that perpetuate theft and anti-western indoctrination. How does Woke Corporate-Fascism compare to Christianity and the myths of old? David reads from the work of Rene Girard and helps us understand how the Christian Gospel lays bare the concoction of narratives by power brokers. […]

Losing the Religion of Big Government and Corporate Press

The fight for the Presidential Election continues! David Gornoski analyzes the latest news surrounding the election; he also addresses the dire situation faced by non-violent first-time offenders in federal prisons struck by the pandemic. Why is Texas suing major swing states over election results? Are mail-in ballots considered constitutional? Join David Gornoski as he calls […]

The Failing State Priestly Class

David Gornoski returns with a brand new episode and he starts the show with a devastating critique of so-called journalists acting as the government’s informers to rat people out. David also comments on the mainstream media’s fawning over Jake Sullivan who is Biden’s pick for National Security Advisor. Why is the media conveniently ignoring the […]

Meeting Goliath with the Truth

“We have to be mindful of the content we consume.” Join David Gornoski as he dissects and highlights how the new media–imitative of the old TV media–never seem to make you into a better person. How does the media obfuscate our moral responsibility? How does the media manipulate us into thinking that words are violence […]