
How the Right Can Win at the Local Level

Peter Quinones joins David Gornoski for this episode to talk about the failure of the Libertarian Party; potential changes in libertarian philosophy; why there must be a revival of localism; how central planning and family disintegration goes hand-in-hand; how the Right can push back against the Left; and more. Check out the Pete Quinones Show […]

Ross Ulbricht, Big Tech & Post-Libertarianism

In this episode, David Gornoski is joined by Clint Russell of the Liberty Lockdown podcast. David and Clint talk about how the lockdowns and other restrictions are waking up more Americans every day. Clint also talks about moving to Florida, Ross Ulbricht’s struggle for freedom, the drug war’s connection to pandemic tyranny, how conservatives are […]

The Future Is Localism

David Gornoski starts the show with a story of how a mom of an injured child changed her stance on drug mandates. Join David as he highlights the lie from the spirit of the age and why we must reject it for a prosperous future for our children. David is later joined by Peter Quinones, […]

Spike Cohen on Turning Culture Around for Liberty

 Now that most of his predictions are coming true, will we ever heed the warning that Ron Paul gave a decade ago? In this episode, David Gornoski is joined by the Libertarian Vice President candidate for 2020, Spike Cohen. Are children developing differently due to the lockdowns? Did the US really go to Afghanistan […]

Beyond reason: What really motivates our choices

This essay was originally published at on February 25, 2016. A few years ago I used to write for WND under the pen name David Hanson. I derived the name in honor of my maternal great-great-great, etc. grandfather John Hanson, the first president of the Continental Congress under the Articles of Confederation. Besides being […]

John Odermatt on the Hidden Victims of the Drug War

Sixty-five percent of Americans believe in aliens, an Axios poll says. Join David Gornoski as he comments on the latest news and highlights why we must reject self-destructive sacrificial violence and coercion and look towards creativity. Also in the show, David is joined by John Odermatt from the Lions of Liberty podcast who calls in […]

THINGS HIDDEN 24: Alex Kaschuta on Why We Have Outcasts

David Gornoski sits down with podcaster Alex Kaschuta, host of Subversive–”the podcast for outcasts.” David and Alex discuss some of the important topics of our day such as the importance of Rene Girard’s work; growing undifferentiation; the redefinition of the outcast in current society; the mythology behind gender relations; Trump as a scapegoat for the […]

Jon Miltimore: Elon Musk Torches Robert Reich

FEE’s Jon Miltimore returns to the show to talk about his latest article on Elon Musk’s twitter war with Robert Reich. Former Secretary of Labor Reich accused Musk of being a “modern-day robber baron” and Musk retorted by saying Reich is a “modern-day moron.” Jon says that Musk is the role model we need with […]

THINGS HIDDEN 20: Founding the Galilean Global Village

Jerry Bowyer, editor of Townhall Finance and Affluent Investor, joins David Gornoski and Shannon Braswell to discuss his new book ‘The Maker Versus the Takers’ and other topics such as the effects of socialist-centered liberation theology and mainstream evangelical theology. Jerry Bowyer argues that both of these theologies were premature in their conclusions due to […]

Who is Our Model for Morality?

When politicians cry moral outrage, the question for us should be: What is the moral standard for our country today? The brotherhood of man? Democracy? David argues that you cannot eliminate the rule of tyranny and violence without modeling yourself on Jesus. If we’re to imitate Jesus as the role model for governance, does that […]