
Who is Our Model for Morality?

When politicians cry moral outrage, the question for us should be: What is the moral standard for our country today? The brotherhood of man? Democracy? David argues that you cannot eliminate the rule of tyranny and violence without modeling yourself on Jesus. If we’re to imitate Jesus as the role model for governance, does that […]

What Lies Ahead, Tho Bishop Economics for Beginners

Why does the media narrative always necessitate a scapegoat? David Gornoski comments on the news surrounding Biden, Oprah, and others. He also critiques the notion that guilt can be inherent in a person’s skin tone, namely “white privilege,” and the idea that violence, theft, and coercion, while being immoral to the individual, is permissible for […]

Rebel Wisdom’s Alexander Beiner, David Gornoski on Christianity vs Wokeism

David Gornoski sits down with Alexander Beiner, Co-Founder of Rebel Wisdom, to discuss new ways by which we can make sense of the chaotic world around us. In light of how Woke culture has proven itself to be a religious movement, society is failing to bind itself around the principle of scapegoating. What is the […]

Why Are Americans Afraid to Speak Their Opinions?

“The modus operandi of our time: If you want more power you have to look more vulnerable.” David Gornoski argues that this is due to the haunting of Christ’s crucifixion in American society. Without looking to Jesus as a model for imitation, David says, we will devolve into fighting over and weaponizing all external identity […]

The Stones Cry Out

I am blown away in discovering Jesus’s seemingly hyperbolic symbolic aside at the entrance of Jerusalem is actually a prophecy: Luke 19:37-40: “As he was drawing near—already on the way down the Mount of Olives—the whole multitude of his disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works […]

What You Need to Know about REAL ID with Jim Bovard, Chad Marks on Pandemic in Prisons

What is the Real ID Act? Journalist and author James Bovard calls in to explain how the REAL ID Act, like the Patriot Act, is government overreach under the pretext of protection. Also joining David Gornoski, to explore the injustice of locking up non-violent offenders in federal prisons and exposing them to the pandemic, is […]

James Kourtides, David Gornoski on Rene Girard’s I See Satan Fall Like Lightning, Gospel Technology

How do we understand the growing undifferentiation–the breaking apart of traditional hierarchies–in western society? How can the church regain the gospel aesthetic of standing for the hidden victims of our society? The church must tell the stories of victims, David says, and in doing so, woke culture would evaporate in an instant. But then how […]

Are you optimistic about your future?

Should we be optimistic about our long-term future? Join David Gornoski for another exciting episode as he presents the case of why should be optimistic despite the bombardment of bad news around us. Jesus said the nations will be judged by their treatment of the hungry, the sick, the prisoner, and the stranger. How do […]

Finding Good News in Chaos

“Everything that you see in politics is based on a zero-sum frame of reality,” David Gornoski says. He points out how politicians rely on you to vote them into defeating your enemies without actually dealing with any of the core issues. “Excellence doesn’t require a savior; it requires skin in the game.” Amid social scandals, […]

THINGS HIDDEN 13: The Return of Tom Holland

How has Christianity affected western civilization? Tom Holland, author of Dominion, starts by giving us a glimpse at what pre-Christian justice looked like; he then takes us through the transformation of criminal justice as Christianity was absorbed more and more into the culture by western civilization. Tom Holland also describes how Christianity, as preached by […]