
The Master of History

The scriptures say that Christ is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end (Revelation 22:13). It would be extremely helpful, knowing that most of us are familiar with the theological implication of this claim, to know how Christ lives out this statement in history. To do this we will briefly look at the […]

The State Is a False Messiah

David Gornoski continues his analysis of the news. David comments on Glen Greenwald’s latest column that highlights the decline in journalism as evidenced by the Capitol protests coverage. How do we break the addiction to politics that is peddled to us by the corporate media? Listen to the full episode as David Gornoski dissects the […]

The Storytelling Revolution of Jesus

Why is single-payer nutritional science antithetical to science? Is it okay to sacrifice nonviolent persons for societal harmony? David Gornoski continues to answer how we can build a free society within a “machine of coercion.” “We have to tell stories,” David says, “in order to stop people from doing foolish things.” Join David in this […]

The Impotent Show Trial and Other Circuses

David Gornoski returns with A Neighbor’s Choice and he talks about the ongoing Trump impeachment. David highlights the need to escape the establishment’s attempt to redefine reality and get back to the true reality of Jesus’ restoration of personhood. David also talks about how government-sponsored nutrition science is ruining our country’s health. “Single-payer healthcare can’t […]

The Living Stone Rejected by Men

David Gornoski continues his analysis of Jesus’ echoing the words of the prophet Habakkuk: “The stones themselves will cry out.” David also expands on his study of sacrificial victims serving as cornerstones in ancient institutions. How does Jesus’ declaration relate to the modern-day victims of war, mass-incarceration, state-sponsored theft, and other injustices? How does Jesus’ […]

Cornerstone or Capstone?

In this episode, David Gornoski lays aside the mindless noise of news coverage and gets into the world-changing anthropology of the Bible. What did the psalmist mean when he said, “the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone?” The answer, David says, is tied in with the current idea that one has to […]

Reject Political Saviors, Love Your Neighbors

David Gornoski starts the show by commenting on the corporate media’s hagiography-like coverage of the Biden family as Joe Biden prepares to take the highest seat in America. Should Trump fear the senate in pardoning Assange, Snowden, and others? How can we build a culture of non-violence with those around us? “Nobody’s banning us from […]

Troops Fill DC, What Does it Mean?

30,000 troops have filled Washington, DC in anticipation of Biden’s inauguration. What is happening in our nation’s capital? Join David Gornoski as he comments on the latest developments in a post-election America. Will big corporations and big government succeed in censoring and filtering information on the internet? Is it possible to follow the binary religion […]

Is the Priestly Caste Evil?

“If you don’t have the freedom to take up your cross and instead are forced onto a cross, then you’re not living the abundant life.” Is prosperity worth it without having the freedom to make choices? Join David Gornoski as he deconstructs the coercive structures that have come down from ancient sacrificial rituals while showing […]

Trail Thoughts: The Gift of the Incarnation

In this new segment of Trail Thoughts, David Gornoski and Eric Kampmann return to discuss Eric’s latest blog post “The Gift” in which Eric reflects on the birth of Jesus Christ and the revelation of God’s heart to mankind. Is the Christmas story a sentimental account as it is often made out to be? What kind of […]