
THINGS HIDDEN 20: Founding the Galilean Global Village

Jerry Bowyer, editor of Townhall Finance and Affluent Investor, joins David Gornoski and Shannon Braswell to discuss his new book ‘The Maker Versus the Takers’ and other topics such as the effects of socialist-centered liberation theology and mainstream evangelical theology. Jerry Bowyer argues that both of these theologies were premature in their conclusions due to […]

Claston Bernard on Being an Outcast, Jerry Bowyer on the Maker vs the Takers

Claston Bernard, champion athlete, Olympian, and author of ‘Outcast,’ joins David Gornoski to discuss the degradation of black Americans as mere vote banks by the Democratic party. Claston shows no quarter in his criticism of Black Lives Matter and their aim to destroy black families. What can we do to protect families in America? Listen […]

Jerry Bowyer: How Jesus Would Approach Social Justice, Policing

Jerry Bowyer, economist and editor of Townhall Finance, joins David Gornoski to talk about the pandemic, conservatism, and the social justice movement. On the pandemic lockdowns, Bowyer observes that we far too often think politically on scientific issues and that top-down solution is not always the answer. This is a problem that exists in conservatism, […]

Jerry Bowyer and Weldon Angelos on COVID-19 and Criminal Justice Reform

When politicians are playing the blame game and nations are blaming nations for the COVID-19 virus, how can we avoid the accusing spirit that seems to have arisen in this global epidemic? Forbes contributor, frequent Fox News and CNBC guest, editor of Townhall Finance, Jerry Bowyer joins physicist Weiping Yu and host David Gornoski in […]