
Joni McGary on the State of College Drug Mandates

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.] To what extent has Big Tech captured the world wide web? Listen to the full episode to find out. Also in the show, Joni McGary, Co-Founder of No College Mandates, calls in to talk about the state of pandemic restrictions that are continuing to […]

Ben Swann on the Rise of Independent Media

The Mises Institute’s Jeff Deist guest hosts and he begins the show by commenting on Ukraine’s ever-growing demand for financial and military aid as well as the profits of Big Pharma companies during the pandemic. Are the pandemic restrictions coming back? Listen to the full episode to find out. Plus, Investigative journalist Ben Swann calls […]

Jeff Deist & Joshua Yoder: The Airline Crisis

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.] What are some of the glaring problems that are being overlooked in the federalization of gun laws? Joining Jeff Deist for this episode is Joshua Yoder from US Freedom Flyers who calls in to talk about the post-pandemic challenges to airline pilots and staff. […]

Jordan Schachtel: The Return of Pandemic Mania

The Mises Institute’s Jeff Deist returns to guest host the show and he starts by commenting on the news surrounding Supreme Court’s latest decision on firearms as well as the Tampa housing market and why saving money has become harder. Also in the show, independent journalist Jordan Schachtel calls in to talk about how the […]

Scott Horton on the Threat of Nuclear War

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.]  Jeff Deist is joined by Scott Horton for a conversation on Horton’s upcoming book on the threat of nuclear war between the US and Russia. How will the Ukraine war impact the poorer countries of the world? Is abolishing nuclear weapons a realistic […]

Assange to Be Extradited, Dave Smith Joins

The Mises Institute‘s Jeff Deist and Connor Mortell start the show by discussing the current state of the housing market. The two also address the generational divide in terms of opportunities and economical prosperity. Also in the show, podcaster and comic Dave Smith calls in to talk about Assange’s upcoming extradition to the US from […]

Judge Andrew Napolitano on the Texas Shooting & the 2nd Amendment

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.] Jeff Deist is joined by Judge Andrew Napolitano and the two discuss the Texas school shooting and its possible implications on the 2nd Amendment. Do we want psychological profiles of Americans on a federal database? Should the 2nd Amendment be modified? Listen to the […]

What Happened at the WEF Davos Event?

The Mises Institute‘s Jeff Deist starts the show by examining both sides of the gun control debate while also breaking down the WEF meeting at Davos, Switzerland. Also in the show, economist Dr. Jonathan Newman calls in to discuss Klaus Schwab’s recent remarks; the WEF’s idea of not owning anything; stakeholder responsibility; what the future […]

Are Americans in Favor of Ukraine Aid?

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.] Jeff Deist is joined by Pedro Gonzalez of the Chronicles magazine for a discussion on the negligent attitude of the US government towards American citizens. Are Americans in favor of the forty billion in “aid” being sent to Ukraine? Is the US government fighting […]

How the Trans Movement Became Dominant

The Mises Institute‘s Jeff Deist returns to A Neighbor’s Choice; he starts the show with some analysis of how the government’s lockdown policies and its actions over Ukraine have contributed to the economic crisis that we’re in right now. Later in the show, Jeff is joined by Colin Wright, evolutionary biologist and editor of Quillette, […]