
Train Crashes, UFOs, and AI Meltdowns

David Gornoski deconstructs the mimetic chaos that is being fermented by the ruling class; the dehumanization and erasing of boundaries; the prioritizing of words over flesh and blood violence; and more. Also in the show, Jason Jones calls in to discuss the recent derailments and chemical spills; the weird attitude around UFOs; Chat GPT experiences; […]

Technology and Dehumanization, Jason Jones on Brazil Protests, Facing Down Evil

David Gornoski and Surit Dasgupta talk about the horrors of war, the dehumanization that emerges from social media, the need to focus on inventions in the world of atoms, and whether DC Comic’s Joker becoming pregnant constitutes true progress. Also in the show, Jason Jones joins the show to talk about the latest news surrounding […]

THINGS HIDDEN 95: Christmas Special with Jerry Bowyer, Jason Jones & Rev. Jim Fitzgerald

David Gornoski, Jerry Bowyer, Jason Jones, and Pastor Jim Fitzgerald explore the Nativity of Christ through the lens of Rene Girard in this THINGS HIDDEN Christmas special. What significance does Bethlehem portray in the Nativity story that we often miss? How does the Christmas story pose a threat to the rulers of the world? How […]

THINGS HIDDEN 94: Christmas Reflections with Gil Bailie, Jason Jones

David Gornoski; filmmaker and activist Jason Jones; and Gil Bailie–the author of several lectures and books including God’s Gamble and a contemporary of Rene Girard–explore the meaning of Christmas, particularly in the world of anthropology. Why were the ancients fascinated with stars? Why did God choose a miraculous virgin birth as Christ’s entrance into the […]

Jason Jones & David Talk Twitter Files, Artificial Womb Technology

Jason Jones joins David Gornoski to comment on Ron DeSantis’ move against vaccine manufacturers; giving voice to the vaccine-injured; the failing of Twitter’s safety and trust board; how Big Tech censorship furthers the persecution of the marginalized; in vitro fertilization; and more. Also in the show, David and Surit Dasgupta talk about the latest news […]

Surit Slaps Satan, Jason Jones Exposes Real Victims

Surit Dasgupta and David Gornoski talk about the protests in China over the lockdowns, how victimism gives rise to more victims, how Jesus saves us from killing ourselves, and more. Also in the show filmmaker and activist Jason Jones calls in to talk about the rise of resentiment, the normalization of child molestation, the vanishing […]

A Theater of the Crowd, Jason Jones on the Pandora’s Box of War

David Gornoski starts the episode with an analysis of the alleged rocket explosion in Poland that has killed 2 people. Are we dealing with a false flag? What should we make of the neo conservative craving of Leftist totalitarian power in DC? Listen to the full episode to find out. Plus, Jason Jones calls in […]

David Gornoski & Jason Jones Talk Midterms Fallout

Are we living up to the standard of being a shining hope of democracy to the world right now? Jason Jones joins the show to talk about the midterms, how the pro-life movement is shaping up right now, whether Democrats are getting frustrated with their elected leaders, DeSantis’ win in Florida, and more.

Exposing Pfizer’s PR Firm, Jason Jones on Tulsi Gabbard’s Departure From the DNC

David Gornoski comments on the concentrated effort to push COVID vaccination onto Americans through various forms of media. Joining David Gornoski is investigative journalist Paul Thacker who exposes Weber Shandwick, a PR firm for Pfizer and Moderna embedded in the CDC. Also in the show, Jason Jones calls in to comment on Tulsi Gabbard’s departure […]

The Indictment of Bannon, Jason Jones on the New Right

David Gornoski comments on the death of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II and why we should turn our focus to the greatest King of all. What does Steve Bannon’s indictment signify in the grand scheme of history? Joining David Gornoski to look at these topics is filmmaker and activist Jason Jones. Why isn’t the murder of […]