
Announcing Our New Film

David Gornoski starts the show by announcing the release date of the latest entry of the THINGS HIDDEN film series. U.S. and Chinese scientists have created embryos that are part human, part monkey. What could possibly go wrong? Join David Gornoski as he comments on the much-anticipated outcome of the Chauvin trial; the media getting […]

Captives Set Free! Rufus Rochell Reunites with Brother Rick Williams

David Gornoski starts the episode with a reflection on the news of the Mayfair mall shooting in Wisconsin. “The problem with many today is that they see institutions or ideologies as more sacred than human life.” David is joined by Rufus Rochell, a friend of the show, and the two break the story that Rufus’ […]

Mark Sunwall on Jacques Ellul and Propaganda

David Gornoski reflects on the joyous news of Craig Cesal coming home and the long road that lies ahead for setting the captives free. Also, anthropologist and economist Mark Sunwall calls in to discuss the work of French philosopher Jacques Ellul. Sunwall brings attention to Ellul’s work on propaganda and how an understanding of Ellul’s […]