
Essence, Energy, and Positive Mimesis

In much of Christian anthropology, one talks about the effects of imitation on culture, government, and society as a whole. Imitation is certainly intrinsic in human nature and its role in the development of human society is undeniable. But what kind of imitation is beneficial and what is not? Or more precisely, what is “good” […]

Science and U: Black Hole Goes Missing

Dr. Weiping Yu returns with another refreshing segment of Science and U. The physicist comments on the claim that astronomers have found the oldest supermassive black hole in the universe and another, more puzzling, observation of a missing black hole. Dr. Yu once again asserts that there is no black hole at the center of […]

Dr. Max Zamilov Returns with Poetry and Science

In this episode, Dr. Max Fomitchev-Zamilov returns to the show to talk about mankind’s innate need for drama. “A healthy drama would be a drama tied to a common goal,” Dr. Zamilov says while cautioning us against “drama for drama’s sake.” Dr. Zamilov also comments on NASA’s plans for lattice confinement fusion as an energy […]

Science and U: Bacteria Follow Earth’s Magnetic Field

Dr. Weiping Yu returns with another segment of Science and U. The physicist starts the segment by commenting on the discovery that says chemical-shuttling bacteria follow the Earth’s magnetic field. Are energy fragments the fundamental building blocks of the universe? What should we make of the 10-year plan by U.S. fusion scientists to build a […]

Science and U: New Kind of Electrons

Dr. Weiping Yu returns with another segment of Science and U. The physicist starts the segment by commenting on the development of a new lightweight molecule-based magnet that exhibits unprecedented magnetic properties. “This is a confirmation,” Dr. Yu says, “every single elements–atoms and molecules–have magnetic properties.” Dr. Yu also comments on the news that scientists […]

Science and U: A Better Way Towards Nuclear Fusion

Dr. Weiping Yu is back with another mythbusting segment of Science and U. The physicist comments on some of the latest news in the world of science–news such as the development of a spherical tokamak reactor. Can this experimental nuclear reactor move fusion forward? “We’re heading in the wrong direction,” Dr. Yu says, “this kind […]

Science and U: Water Hidden on Moon

Dr. Weiping Yu returns to the show for a segment of Science and U to discuss the news of a “breakthrough” that “could fix the fatal flaw in fusion reactors.” What is this fatal flaw? Dr. Yu explains this to us. The physicist also comments on hidden water being discovered on the moon and asteroid […]

A Conversation with Bob Greenyer on Cold Fusion, LENR

David Gornoski, the host of A Neighbor’s Choice, sits down with Bob Greenyer, engineer and researcher in the field of LENR (low-energy nuclear reactions). The two discuss the work of Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons, the start of the Martin Fleischmann memorial project, the various experiments in the field of cold fusion and their fascinating […]

What is A Neighbor’s Choice?

Can we have a pro-family society without liberty? What is liberty and who gives it to us? Join David Gornoski as he explains how love for freedom can coexist with love for our fellow neighbors? Also, David explains how the Left’s dynamics are eerily similar to that of a cult while highlighting their thirst for […]

The Separation of Money and State

David Gornoski starts the hour by commenting on the news reports that say China might sell off all US bonds. Should we be alarmed at our government’s insistence to stimulate and regulate the economy? We should separate money and state, David says. The host of A Neighbor’s Choice also takes us through the origins of […]