
The Unified Stress Theory that Revolutionizes Medicine and CO2’s Role

David Gornoski sits down with anesthesiologist Dr. Lewis Coleman for a groundbreaking conversation on the human body’s stress mechanism, why the truth about CO2 is being buried, the insanity of standard anesthesia procedure, healing with communal placebo, the role of the thyroid, and more. Dr. Coleman’s website here. Four Forgotten Giants of Anesthesia History.

How CO2 is the Key to Obesity, Longevity, Metabolism, Wound Healing, and Mental Health

David Gornoski sits down with Steve Scott to discuss why we need Co2 more than we realize. Why does living at high altitudes reduce cancer and obesity risk? How does one know if they’re CO2 deficient? How should we breathe? Why should we watch out for cosmic radiation and PUFA? Carbogenetics website here.