
THINGS HIDDEN 183: What Does Pseudo-Gnosticism Mean?

In this THINGS HIDDEN episode, David Gornoski explains why he uses the term “pseudo-gnosticism” to explain the inherently contradicting dualism that is found throughout the ideological narratives of the Western world. What are some of the alarming manisfestations of pseudo-gnosticism? Listen to the full podcast to find out.

Lord Conrad Black on Christ, Caesar, and History

David Gornoski sits down with Lord Conrad Black, author of The Political and Strategic History of the World, for a conversation on the nature of historical progress, the uniqueness of Hebrew culture, how Christ changed history as a vocation, the 1619 project, and more. Buy The Political and Strategic History of the World here.

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on Rene Girard and Lockdown Religion

In this special THINGS HIDDEN/The Science episode, David Gornoski sits down with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya for a conversation on why the lockdowns failed, meeting René Girard, scapegoating in the scientific community, the religious motivation behind the pandemic restrictions, the strange paradox of medicine, how we can escape scapegoating, science divorced from love, and more. Follow […]

THINGS HIDDEN 181: Setting Creation Free with James Kourtides

David Gornoski sits down with James Kourtides to talk about passivity from Christians, belonging to bodies, the objectification of God, the myths we tell ourselves, how we keep on imitating Adam, how we create a charged society, memories of past lives, the magnetic medium, why we need creative Christlike human beings, and more. Check out […]

THINGS HIDDEN 180: Jordan Hall on Christianity and the Redemption of Video Media

Jordan Hall returns to THINGS HIDDEN to talk about his journey to Christianity, the impact of children being raised in a digital world, the denigration of motherhood, the consequences of creating DivX, moving media from myth to liturgy, and more.

Our Democracy Inc (David Gornoski Appears on 2Bit Podcast)

David Gornoski appears on 2Bit Podcast to talk about Our Democracy, Civilizational Capital, and his new career in Pro-Wrestling. Check out 2Bit podcast here.

THINGS HIDDEN 179: Why You Are a Puppet and How to Cut the Strings

David Gornoski appears on the Iron Disciples podcast to expand on Rene Girard’s Mimetic Theory. He also talks about the therapeutic state, why women feel the vibe of the cross, how we can eliminate the state’s monopoly on marriage, and more. Check out the Iron Disciples podcast here.

Special In Studio Debate on Our Democracy – A Neighbor’s Choice

David Gornoski opens the episode by exploring how Jesus’ personhood revolution exposes the tyrannical ways of world institutions. The episode takes a surprising turn as David ends up debating CNN correspondent and war advocate Tina on “Our Democracy.”

Tucker Putin Interview Fallout, Biden Shown Exit Stage Right – A Neighbor’s Choice

David Gornoski comments on whether the political class is planning to finally get rid of Biden based on his mental health. Did Tucker Carlson shill for Putin as the legacy media claims? How is the Gospel affecting the social and political dynamics of the US and Russia? Why do the nations rage as the Gospel […]

THINGS HIDDEN 178: How Psalm 2 Debunks Christian Defeatism

Why do so many converts to traditional Christianity ascribe to a defeatist mindset when it comes to Jesus saving the material world? Should Christians resign themselves to disease and death? How can Christians reorient themselves to a future in which Jesus defeats evil and reigns over the universe?