Sean Malone Reviews Mr. Jones Movie

In this episode,’s Sean Malone joins David Gornoski to look at ‘Mr. Jones,’ a movie based on the Holodomor tragedy and the media cover-up that followed. Why isn’t the Holodomor as widely known as the Holocaust is in America? Totalitarian regimes were expected to hide the truth, Malone says, but what was really astonishing is the […]

Dr. Yu on Anti-gravity and Magnetism, Jeff Deist on Masked Chaos

Dr. Weiping Yu, the show’s chief science officer, returns to comment on the news that the army is building an anti-gravity, water-purifying solar panel. What does Dr. Yu think about the discovery of new planets circling faraway suns? Does magnetism decay over time? Listen to the full podcast as Dr. Yu tackles the latest science […]

Are you optimistic about your future?

Should we be optimistic about our long-term future? Join David Gornoski for another exciting episode as he presents the case of why should be optimistic despite the bombardment of bad news around us. Jesus said the nations will be judged by their treatment of the hungry, the sick, the prisoner, and the stranger. How do […]

Prof. Wilfred Reilly Takes on the Woke

Professor Wilfred Reilly, author and political scientist at Kentucky State University, returns to the show to talk about political radicalism in America. Professor Reilly explains why he speaks out against radical movements and how the real struggle in America is between moderates and extremists. Is the far-right as powerful as the extreme-left? Are there double […]

Kerry Baldwin Takes on Covid Tyranny

Kerry Baldwin, writer and founder of, joins David Gornoski to discuss the medical tyranny of using coercion during this pandemic. Are we handing over far too much to the government? Kerry points out how governments have always used crises to gain control over their people. Is it ethical to mandate wearing masks in high-density population […]

Did Neanderthals Dream?

Human beings are primarily storytelling creatures; and storytelling is crucial for us. Which story should our society bind itself around? Many, including Karl Marx, have tried to distort Jesus’ concern for victims, and each has failed to tell the non-violent, redemptive story of Christ. “The McWoke crowd intends to justify themselves by donning the god-mask […]

Tough Times at the NY Times

David Gornoski examines the latest news of Bari Weiss resigning from the New York Times. How much credibility does the media have as it continues to misdirect people on behalf of the political establishment? “These are not media outlets but stinky, crusty PR firms,” David remarks as he observes the anti-science stance that mainstream media […]

Finding Good News in Chaos

“Everything that you see in politics is based on a zero-sum frame of reality,” David Gornoski says. He points out how politicians rely on you to vote them into defeating your enemies without actually dealing with any of the core issues. “Excellence doesn’t require a savior; it requires skin in the game.” Amid social scandals, […]

THINGS HIDDEN 13: The Return of Tom Holland

How has Christianity affected western civilization? Tom Holland, author of Dominion, starts by giving us a glimpse at what pre-Christian justice looked like; he then takes us through the transformation of criminal justice as Christianity was absorbed more and more into the culture by western civilization. Tom Holland also describes how Christianity, as preached by […]

David Gornoski on Nikola Tesla, the News, and Innovation

David Gornoski gives the example of Nikola Tesla’s story and highlights that revolutionary breakthroughs come, not through top-down coercion, but always through unhindered innovation. Solutions start with the question: Do you love yourself? How can you love and help others if you don’t love yourself? Join David Gornoski as he goes through the latest news […]