Did You Get Your Passport?

David Gornoski starts the episode with a reflection on the culture of coercion that is continually pushed by the state. The host of A Neighbor’s Choice also comments at length on the continuing development of the track and surveillance state by government agencies through health passports and the monopolization of medicine. Has the COVID hysteria […]

Short-Term Gain and Long-Term Hell on Earth

Are vaccine passports ethical in any way? What are conservatives doing to fight this new unconstitutional restriction into American society? Should we be concerned over the spike in suicide rates during the state-enforced isolation? Is mask-wearing scientific or is there a superstitious factor in the pushing of mask mandates? Join David Gornoski as he takes […]

Fauci and Daszak Complicit in COVID Outbreak

Are we being fed doctored information with regards to the Wuhan lab connection to the COVID outbreak? Is it true that the virus originated from bats as the Chinese government and the WHO claim? Does Fauci and Peter Daszak have any reason to hide what really occurred? Are we at the mercy of an “impending […]

The Master of History

The scriptures say that Christ is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end (Revelation 22:13). It would be extremely helpful, knowing that most of us are familiar with the theological implication of this claim, to know how Christ lives out this statement in history. To do this we will briefly look at the […]

Tho Bishop on Faith in Government and Outdated Science

David Gornoski is joined by the Mises Institute’s Tho Bishop who calls in to talk about Biden’s first press conference. Has Biden managed to clear the doubts of his detractors or has he fueled them further? What did Tucker Carlson’s public exchange with the military reveal about our government? Is there any justification for the […]

Science and U: Is Cold Fusion Possible?

Dr. Weiping Yu, the chief science advisor of A Neighbor’s Choice, is back with more Science and U. The physicist comments on the news of the first-ever image of a black hole taken in polarized light. Wherever we find black holes we find magnetic fields. What does this mean? Is the standard model of physics […]

The Young Must Pursue Risky Excellence

“The establishment is built on promulgating safe mediocrity,” David Gornoski says as he highlights how the youth of society must be persuaded to take on risks for excellence to flourish. Listen to the full episode as David comments on Biden’s first press conference; the vanishing “kids in cages” narrative; the failing role model in Kamala […]

The Haunting of Anwar al-Awlaki

Krispy Kreme will give you free doughnuts if you’re vaccinated. 12,500-year-old wooden sculpture changes what we know about human history. Albinos are scapegoated and ritually sacrificed in Malawi. Join David Gornoski as he comments on these fascinating news reports. The host of A Neighbor’s Choice also offers his take on DC’s new war on terror […]

Overcoming the Spirit of Condemnation

David Gornoski reflects on the lives that have been torn apart thanks to the state’s abuse of power during this entire pandemic. The good news, David says, is that we’re finally seeing through the fake nutritional science pushed onto us by the statist-corporate machine. Is Angela Merkel sincere in her apology for the Easter shutdown […]

The Dangers of Seed Oils Part II: Tucker Goodrich Returns with David Gornoski

Nutritional researcher Tucker Goodrich returns for another conversation with David Gornoski. The two build on their previous conversation on the harmful effects of PUFAs, the kinds of animal fats our bodies can tolerate, the dangers of soybean oils, the reason for cancer rates going up, ancestral diet, and more. What is oxidation? What kinds of […]