Dr. Ray Peat, Brad Marshall on Reductive Stress, Solutions to PUFA Obesity (Part 2)

David Gornoski continues the discussion with Dr. Ray Peat and Brad Marshall. Is it really the seed oils driving the obesity explosion or is it other PUFA-high foods? What is reductive stress and how is it causing obesity? Is reductive stress connected to PUFAs? What are Dr. Peat and Brad’s differing solutions to this crisis? How can people detox from toxic PUFAs and lose weight? Listen to the full podcast to find out and more.

Dr. Ray Peat’s website here.
Brad Marshall’s website here.

1 reply
  1. Patty Lermer
    Patty Lermer says:

    Brad, I know you are passionate at what you do. I respect your hard work however you are losing the lay people w/ all your NADH jargon. You lost a lot of my clients. Ray had a better explanation and solution. People are getting sick on supplements. This should always be about food first. In the future simply and get to the food healing not suppl. Thank you


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