Courageous Faith vs. Slavish Faith

David Gornoski begins the show by stressing how market forces, led by unhindered entrepreneurial innovation, can weed out bad things such as faulty nutrition science. The reactionary forces working against liberty, David argues, comes from the religious space of the State. Are there any differences between liberal democracy and communism? How does Christ undermine the […]

Jeff Deist on Fake Economy and Fake Media

Jeff Deist, the President of the Mises Institute, joins David Gornoski to discuss the institutionalized confusion on what money is supposed to be. “We’ve created more money in this pandemic than we’ve created in our entire two-hundred-year history,” Jeff Deist remarks. Are we already witnessing another inflation? In light of the rise of Dogecoin, why […]

Science and U: New Radio Emissions from Venus

The show’s chief science advisor, Dr. Weiping Yu, returns with more Science and U. The renowned physicist comments on the news that the solar probe Parker detects natural radio emission from Venus. What technological possibilities can we foresee when we look at the UFO phenomenon? Is gravity a double copy of other forces? Listen to […]

The Ethics of Gain-of-Function Researches

There’s nothing progressive in perpetuating wars overseas, giving healthcare to crony corporations, and restricting innovation. Should we completely abandon the focus on physical innovation and focus only on digital innovation? In light of recent revelations from Wuhan, why aren’t there any discussions on the ethics surrounding gain-of-function researches? Since Obama, Biden, and Clinton have more […]

The Left Has Sided With Big Pharma

“God is government and governments are gods; that’s what we’re led to believe.” Why has the Left stopped their skepticism and are now siding with big pharmaceutical corporations? Should conservatives be concerned with the state of public schools? Join David Gornoski as he comments on the corporate press’ relationship with Big Pharma; the recent UFO […]

Disarming the Scapegoating Mob of Cancel Culture

Why must every tyrant act politically correct to achieve power? Where do our personal liberties originally come from? What is the cause behind the coming inflation? How can we disarm the scapegoating mob of cancel culture? Listen to the full episode as David Gornoski answers these questions while also commenting on some of the latest […]

Rescuing Science from Politics

How do we rescue the spirit of scientific inquiry from the mouth of the religious institution of the State? Join David Gornoski as he cuts through corporate media groupthink and explains why we must reject monopolies so that we can have scientific dissent which is crucial in pursuing truth. Is a de facto priesthood consistent […]

THINGS HIDDEN 32: How Rene Girard’s Mimetic Theory Informs Economics

THINGS HIDDEN! David Gornoski is joined by Q from Mimetic Value. How do we get valuable economic insights using the toolkit of Rene Girard’s Mimetic Theory? How much of what we call identity is actually mimetic desire? Does mimesis dictate the value of an object? How has Jesus’ crucifixion led to the questioning of paradigms, […]

Michael Rectenwald on Whiteness Scapegoating

David Gornoski starts the show by highlighting how Biden’s menthol cigarette ban sets the stage for more incarceration of non-violent people. David is joined by Michael Rectenwald, author of Beyond Woke, who talks about how “whiteness” is scapegoated by a victim-garbed political movement. What is “whiteness?” How and where did critical theory originate? How does […]

Rep. Anthony Sabatini on Florida Social Media Bill

David Gornoski highlights the claustrophobic feeling of being imprisoned in this tyrannically run world. “We are human beings,” David Gornoski says, “we are not meant to be someone’s cattle.” Joining David for this episode is Florida rep. Anthony Sabatini who calls in to talk about his race for congress; the social media censorship bill; the […]