Essence, Energy, and Positive Mimesis

In much of Christian anthropology, one talks about the effects of imitation on culture, government, and society as a whole. Imitation is certainly intrinsic in human nature and its role in the development of human society is undeniable. But what kind of imitation is beneficial and what is not? Or more precisely, what is “good” […]

The Anthropology of the Image

In the information-heavy world of today, the impact of the image is vastly overlooked by both the masses and society’s designated experts. The image’s ability in dictating the norms of the day cannot be overstated yet, surprisingly enough, western Christians continue to cede aesthetic territories to the nihilistic forces who are dead-set on destroying the […]

Ramayana and the Birth of ‘High Morality’

The study of ancient literature, particularly the great mythologies, helps us decipher the origin of culture and society. We come to learn that within each heroic and magical tale, and beneath each culture that springs from that tale, is the story of a lynch mob and a sacrificed victim. Take, for example, the great poem […]

Christ – The Answer to Dystopia

It would be a mistake to say that we are currently living in good times; more so, it would be downright deceiving. To say that this phase of evolution (if it is okay to term it as such) is somehow “good” is to treat human existence as some kind of trivial sports game, where human […]

Lost Highway – A Film Analysis

Lost Highway is a 1997 psychological thriller directed by David Lynch of Twin Peaks and Mulholland Drive fame. This movie, alongside Mulholland Drive, is known for being one of the hardest films to follow. There have been all kinds of speculation to its underlying meaning due to the lack of a grounded plot, but the […]

The Birth of Mercy

Recently, a psychology professor by the name of Erik Sprankle stated that the Virgin Mary may not have given ‘consent’ when the angel Gabriel told her that she would give birth to Jesus. Besides showing the utter ignorance that is overwhelming in academia, the professor proved how much contemporary thought is possessed by ideological and […]

Berdyaev vs Slavery

Man is a riddle in the world, and it may be, the greatest riddle. Man is a riddle not because he is an animal, not because he is a social being, not as a part of nature and society. It is as a person that he is a riddle—just that precisely; it is because he […]

The Serving Monarch

The role of the monarch in human history proves to be a fascinating subject. It is fascinating not only from the perspective of governance but also from that of religion and ethics. The anthropological trajectory of Ethiopia, according to its legend and history, is one example where this observation of ethical development can be made.  […]

The Godfather – A Film Analysis

At the start of The Godfather: Part II (directed by Francis Ford Coppola), we see a grim exchange between a corrupt politician and the head of a Sicilian Mafia family. The politician, a reputed senator, denies the Mafia Don’s request for a Vegas gambling license, saying: “I despise your masquerade, the dishonest way you pose […]

Celebrity – The Cornerstone of Modern America

Told the devil that I’m going on a strike Told the devil when I see him, on sight I’ve been working for you my whole life Told the devil that I’m going on a strike I’ve been working for you my whole life —Kanye West, ‘Hands On’ In the 1991 film ‘The Doors,’ Oliver Stone […]