Entries by Surit Dasgupta

The Fear of Death

The Lord abhors the man of violence and deceit. But as for me, in the fullness of Your mercy I will come in Your house… ~Psalm 5:7-8 It can be safely assumed that much of society today operates under the fear of looming death. St. Athanasius said that death came as a corrupting consequence of […]

Metropolis – A Film Analysis

Very few films have defined a genre. One of these films is the 1927 German silent movie Metropolis. Directed by legendary filmmaker Fritz Lang, Metropolis is a dystopian sci-fiction movie that touches on important socio-political and even theological aspects of modern society. Made during the Weimar era—a time when Germany was in political and economic […]

Anthropology from Trinity

Christian anthropology stems from theology. That is why it is important to note that the Christian God is a Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And it is also important to know that there exists within the Trinity, between the three persons of the Godhead, mutual glorification, submission and love. ‘God is love’, says […]

Christ-man in the Age of COVID-19

According to a theological paper by Francois P. Viljoen, leprosy ‘was highly dreaded in the ancient world. It was regarded a terrible and defiling disease, as those who were infected were physically and ceremonially regarded as unclean.’ He would further explain, ‘it was so difficult to heal leprosy that they [the Rabbis] compared such healing […]

Positive Mimesis – The Salvation From COVID-19

Admittedly, the coronavirus crisis has brought out some of the worst in us. Chaos at supermarkets! Fighting over each other for toilet paper! Reporting of neighbors to the authorities upon failure to abide by curfew laws. Threat of imprisonment upon non-violent offenders of the law. We also notice this frenzied behavior in the political sphere […]