Michael Shermer, David Gornoski on Heavens on Earth, Mimetic Theory

Michael Shermer sits down with A Neighbor’s Choice founder and host David Gornoski to discuss his newest book Heavens on Earth, an examination of different religions’ conception of the afterlife. The book also examines ideologies and transhumanist notions of eternal life. They also briefly engage the anthropological importance of the Judeo-Christian texts in re-orienting our […]

Kerry McDonald, David Gornoski Discuss Unschooling vs Public Schools

David Gornoski discusses unschooling vs public schooling with FEE and Intellectual Takeout writer Kerry McDonald, especially in light of the violence and prison atmosphere in compulsory schools today. Kerry McDonald is leading a national exodus out of the dinosaur monopoly schooling model that will help us recapture critical thinking, freedom, and opens the door for […]

The Push-Pull Seduction of the State and Other Gods

Mimetic theory suggests that humans are magnetically attracted to model-obstacles. We want to imitate being which appears scarce in its attainability. We fashion gods in the image of the kind of power we admire and covet: capricious, “hard to get” lovers who can also turn to disinterest or condemnation on a dime. Likewise, it is […]